

Provides facilities to search, book and administer airport parking based orders.



Performs the required steps to purchase and generate a new order.

AirportParkingBookingDTO GenerateBooking(BookingItineraryDTO itinerary)

Parameter Type Description
itinerary BookingItineraryDTO The required criteria for the new order.

Generates a full quotation for some given product.

AirportParkingQuoteDTO GenerateQuotation(Guid quoteId, Int32 productId)

Parameter Type Description
quoteId Guid The quote id to extract the information from.
productId Int32 The id of the product to generate the quotation against.

Retreives previous availability search results.

AirportParkingQuoteDTO RetrieveAvailability(Guid quoteId)

Parameter Type Description
quoteId Guid The quote id to extract the availability from.

This operation is used to get a booking.

AirportParkingBookingDTO RetrieveBooking(String orderReference)

Parameter Type Description
orderReference String Can be either the TPA generated booking reference or the third party reference as provided when registering the booking.

Performs a new availability search.

AirportParkingQuoteDTO SearchAvailability(AirportParkingQuoteItineraryDTO itinerary)

Parameter Type Description
itinerary AirportParkingQuoteItineraryDTO The availability search criteria used in the search process.

This operation can be used to update vehicle and journey information for an existing booking.

AirportParkingBookingDTO UpdateBooking(BookingItineraryDTO itinerary, String orderReference)

Parameter Type Description
itinerary BookingItineraryDTO The new required criteria for the existing order.
orderReference String The order reference of the existing order to be updated.

Provides facilities to access Airport information.



Gets all the available Airports.

AirportDTO All()


Gets all the available Airports registered within the specified country.

AirportDTO AllByCountry(String countryCode)

Parameter Type Description
countryCode String An ISO 2-letter country code (E.G: GB, US, IE, NL)

Finds all available Airports based on the given criteria.

AirportDTO Find(AirportDTO airport)

Parameter Type Description
airport AirportDTO The criteria used to search for Airports

Gets the Airport associated with the specified code.

AirportDTO Get(String airportCode)

Parameter Type Description
airportCode String The IATA code for the Airport.

Finds all available Airport who's details match the given input.

AirportDTO GetAirportMatch(String input)

Parameter Type Description
input String A search string to match Airports against.

Gets the Airport associated with the specified product id.

AirportDTO GetForProduct(Int32 productId)

Parameter Type Description
productId Int32 The id of the product.

Find all available Airports that match the given input. Airports with the culture stated are displayed first.

AirportDTO GetLocalisedAirportMatch(String input, String culture)

Parameter Type Description
input String A search string to match Airports against.
culture String Preferred Airport culture name.

Gets the Airport associated with each of the specified codes.

AirportDTO GetSelected(String airportCodes)

Parameter Type Description
airportCodes String A comma-separated list of IATA codes for the Airports.

Searches for airports matching some given search term.


Provides facilities to access custom information such as Terms and Conditions.



Gets localised Terms and Conditions.

PostDTO GetPost(Int32 postId)

Parameter Type Description
postId Int32 The information required for getting terms and conditions.

Gets localised Terms and Conditions.

PostDTO GetPosts()


Gets localised parking Terms and Conditions.

PostDTO GetPostsPaging(Int32 postsPerPage, Int32 pageNumber)

Parameter Type Description
postsPerPage Int32 Phone override value.
pageNumber Int32 Email override value.

Provides facilities to search, book and administer 3rd Party airport parking based orders.



This operation allows you to cancel an existing booking.

BookingDTO CancelBooking(OrderDTO order)

Parameter Type Description
order OrderDTO The order to be cancelled.

This operation allows you to find an existing booking.

BookingDTO FindBooking(String reference)

Parameter Type Description
reference String The reference of the order to be found; can be either our reference of the 3rd-parties reference.

Registers a order into outr system that has already been purchased elsewhere through some third party. Note this operation will not perform any availability checks, however it will still check for duplicate entry attempts.

BookingDTO RegisterBooking(OrderDTO order)

Parameter Type Description
order OrderDTO Contains the information to be registered.

This operation allows you to update the details of an existing booking.

BookingDTO UpdateBooking(OrderDTO order)

Parameter Type Description
order OrderDTO Contains the information to be updated.

Provides facilities to access Country information.



Gets all the available countries.

CountryDTO All()


Finds all available countries based on the given criteria.

CountryDTO Find(CountryDTO country)

Parameter Type Description
country CountryDTO The criteria used to search for countries.

Gets a specific country as referenced by the provided country code.

CountryDTO Get(String countryCode)

Parameter Type Description
countryCode String An ISO 2-letter country code (E.G: GB, US, IE, NL)

Provides facilities to send emails.



Sends email for the searched quote. Email is not added to mailing list.

Void SendQuoteEmail(QuoteDTO quote, String recipientEmail)

Parameter Type Description
quote QuoteDTO Searched quote
recipientEmail String Recipient email address.

Sends email for the searched quote. Optionally subscribes to email list.

Void SendQuoteEmail(QuoteDTO quote, String recipientEmail, Boolean subscribe)

Parameter Type Description
quote QuoteDTO Searched quote
recipientEmail String Recipient email address.
subscribe Boolean Subscribe flag - true if email to be added to mailing list.

No documentation available at this time.

Void Subscribe(String mail)

Parameter Type Description
mail String No documentation available at this time.

No documentation available at this time.

Void SubscribeWithDatapoint(String emailAddress, Boolean isTransfer, String dataPoint)

Parameter Type Description
emailAddress String No documentation available at this time.
isTransfer Boolean No documentation available at this time.
dataPoint String No documentation available at this time.

Provides facilities to access custom information such as Terms and Conditions.



Depreciated: Use 'GetTermsConditions(TermsInformationDTO)' instead.

String GetTermsAndConditions(String locale, String phoneOverride, String emailOverride, String urlOverride, String urlTextOverride, String titleOverride, String membersUrlOverride)

Parameter Type Description
locale String No documentation available at this time.
phoneOverride String No documentation available at this time.
emailOverride String No documentation available at this time.
urlOverride String No documentation available at this time.
urlTextOverride String No documentation available at this time.
titleOverride String No documentation available at this time.
membersUrlOverride String No documentation available at this time.

Gets localised Terms and Conditions.

String GetTermsConditions(TermsInformationDTO information)

Parameter Type Description
information TermsInformationDTO The information required for getting terms and conditions.

Gets localised Terms and Conditions for Aena (only required for Aena products)

String GetTermsConditionsForAena()


Provides facilities to search and find different locations.



Countries that have locations of this type available in them

CountryDTO CountriesWithLocationType(String locationType)

Parameter Type Description
locationType String The location type.

Gets a location.

LocationDTO Get(String locationCode)

Parameter Type Description
locationCode String The unique identifier for the location.

Gets all available translations for a location.

CultureInfo[] GetLocalisations(String locationCode)

Parameter Type Description
locationCode String The unique identifier for the location.

Provides facilities to manage and access information on registered members (customers).



No documentation available at this time.

Void AddDiscountEmail(String customerName, String emailAddress, Guid quoteId)

Parameter Type Description
customerName String No documentation available at this time.
emailAddress String No documentation available at this time.
quoteId Guid No documentation available at this time.

Checks previously generated validation for orders that are updated using external members link.

Boolean CheckOrderVerification(String orderReference, Guid quoteId, Guid verificationId)

Parameter Type Description
orderReference String Order booking reference
quoteId Guid Search quote id
verificationId Guid Custom verification id

Determines if a password reset link is still valid.


Attempts to create a new member.

Boolean CreateNewMember(String name, String phoneNumber, String username, String password, VehicleDTO vehicle)

Parameter Type Description
name String The new member's full name.
phoneNumber String The new member's contact telephone number.
username String The new member's desired username.
password String The new member's intended password.
vehicle VehicleDTO The new member's vehicle details.

Creates a new member for the provided email address, and order reference for specific saleschannels.

MemberDTO CreateNewMemberFromEmail(String emailAddress, String orderReference)

Parameter Type Description
emailAddress String The new member's order emailAddress.
orderReference String The new member's order reference.

Determines if the email address already exists in the promotional emails queue.

Boolean DiscountEmailIsUnique(String email)

Parameter Type Description
email String The email address to validate against.

Adds/updates existing email address to a list to be contacted by third party.

Void EnableThirdPartyEmails(String emailAddress, Boolean enable, Int32 memberId)

Parameter Type Description
emailAddress String Customer email address.
enable Boolean If true, the customer will receive third party emails.
memberId Int32 Optional member id value, if known.

Generates a general email for members.

Void GenerateMemberEmail(MemberDTO member, String link, String subject, String title, String content, String endGreeting, String websiteName, String imageUrl)

Parameter Type Description
member MemberDTO Registered member.
link String Link to members area.
subject String Subject of the email.
title String Title of the email.
content String Content of the email.
endGreeting String End greeting of the email.
websiteName String Website custom name.
imageUrl String Email image url.

Generates an email that is sent to a new member after registration to verify account.

Void GenerateMemberVerificationEmail(MemberDTO member, String linkPartialPath, String subject, String title, String content, String endGreeting, String websiteName, String imageUrl)

Parameter Type Description
member MemberDTO A new registered member.
linkPartialPath String The url for a generated reset link.
subject String Subject of the email.
title String Title of the email.
content String Content of the email.
endGreeting String End greeting of the email.
websiteName String Website custom name.
imageUrl String Email image url.

Generates validation entry for order to be updated using external members link.

Boolean GenerateOrderVerification(String orderReference, Guid quoteId, Guid verificationId)

Parameter Type Description
orderReference String Order booking reference
quoteId Guid Search quote id
verificationId Guid Custom verification id

Generates a password reset email.

Void GeneratePasswordResetEmail(MemberDTO member)

Parameter Type Description
member MemberDTO Member the email to be sent to.

Generates and sends a password reset email.

Void GenerateResetPasswordEmail(MemberDTO member, String linkPartialPath, String subject, String title, String content, String endGreeting, String websiteName, String imageUrl)

Parameter Type Description
member MemberDTO The details of the member to send the reset email to.
linkPartialPath String The url for a generated reset link.
subject String The email's subject line.
title String The title line for the email template replacement.
content String The descriptive contents for the email.
endGreeting String End greeting of the email.
websiteName String Website custom name.
imageUrl String Email image url.

Generates an email to verify new member email address/username.

Void GenerateUsernameUpdateEmail(MemberDTO member)

Parameter Type Description
member MemberDTO Member the email to be sent to.

Generates an email to verify new a member.

Void GenerateVerificationEmail(MemberDTO member)

Parameter Type Description
member MemberDTO Member the email to be sent to.

Gets a specific order made by the given member, with details for making amendments

MemberEditParkingOrderDTO GetEditOrderModel(String emailAddress, String orderReference)

Parameter Type Description
emailAddress String The email of the member to locate the order against.
orderReference String The order reference for the order to get.

Gets the member associated with the given email address.

MemberDTO GetMember(String emailAddress)

Parameter Type Description
emailAddress String The email address of the member to get.

Gets the member associated with the given unique identifier.

MemberDTO GetMemberFromId(Int32 memberId)

Parameter Type Description
memberId Int32 The id of the member to get.

Gets a specific order made by the given member.

MemberParkingOrderDTO GetOrder(String emailAddress, String orderReference)

Parameter Type Description
emailAddress String The email of the member to locate the order against.
orderReference String The order reference for the order to get.

Gets the set of orders made by the given member.

MemberBookingInformationDTO GetOrderList(Int32 memberId)

Parameter Type Description
memberId Int32 The id of the member to get the orders for.

Gets the set of orders made by the given member that are active and in the future.

ShortMemberParkingOrderDTO GetOrders(String emailAddress)

Parameter Type Description
emailAddress String The email address of the user to get the orders for.

Gets the set of orders made by the given member that are either cancelled or in the past.

ShortMemberParkingOrderDTO GetPastOrders(String emailAddress)

Parameter Type Description
emailAddress String The email address of the user to get the orders for.

Gets the Propel booking management token

PropelManagementTokenDTO GetPropelBookingManagementToken(String emailAddress, String orderReference)

Parameter Type Description
emailAddress String The email address of the customer
orderReference String An order reference the user has placed on Propel

Get customer information from most recent transaction made by customer with provided email address.

MemberDTO GetReturningCustomerInfo(String email)

Parameter Type Description
email String Email Address of the customer.

Gets verification information using access code.

SpecialOfferVerificationDTO GetSpecialOfferVerification(String accessCode)

Parameter Type Description
accessCode String Verification access code.

Gets the subscription details for a subscriber

SubscriptionDetailsDTO GetSubscriptionDetails(String emailAddress)

Parameter Type Description
emailAddress String No documentation available at this time.

Checks verification values for Special offer payment page.

Boolean IsSpecialOfferPaymentAccessValid(SpecialOfferVerificationDTO verification)

Parameter Type Description
verification SpecialOfferVerificationDTO Verification containing email address and custom access code.

Determines if a given member username is available (I.E. Not already taken).

Boolean IsUsernameAvailable(String username)

Parameter Type Description
username String The username to check for.

Determines if the given username is a valid email address.

Boolean IsUsernameValidEmail(String username)

Parameter Type Description
username String The username to check for.

Checks if the user has been verified (e.g. Using email with verification link).

Boolean IsUserVerified(Int32 memberId)

Parameter Type Description
memberId Int32 New member id.

Checks if the user can log in to the members area

Boolean LogInMember(String emailAddress, String orderReference)

Parameter Type Description
emailAddress String The email address of the member
orderReference String An order reference the user has placed on any sales channel

Resends a members confirmation email to the provided email address given.

Void ResendOrderConfirmation(String emailAddress, String orderReference)

Parameter Type Description
emailAddress String The email address of the member to send to.
orderReference String The order reference for the order to resend the details for.

No documentation available at this time.

Void SaveDiscountEmail(String email, Guid quoteId, String language)

Parameter Type Description
email String No documentation available at this time.
quoteId Guid No documentation available at this time.
language String No documentation available at this time.

Registers the email address for special promotional email linked to dropping off a payment page.

Void SaveEmailForDiscount(String email, String quoteType, DateTime date, String language)

Parameter Type Description
email String The email address of the member to send the email to.
quoteType String The type of quote the promotional email is for.
date DateTime The date that the email is added.
language String The language of the user.

Subscribes email address to landing mailing list

Void SubscribeToLandingEmails(String emailAddress, String type, String locationCode)

Parameter Type Description
emailAddress String Email address
type String Type of landing page: Parking | Transfers
locationCode String Landing location code

Subscribes customer to parking mailing list

Void SubscribeToParkingEmails(String emailAddress)

Parameter Type Description
emailAddress String Email address

Checks if the third party emails are enabled.

Boolean ThirdPartyEmailsEnabled(String emailAddress, Int32 memberId)

Parameter Type Description
emailAddress String The email address to check.
memberId Int32 Member id, if known.

Unsubscribes the email address from the marketing emails.

Void Unsubscribe(String emailAddress, String reason)

Parameter Type Description
emailAddress String The email address to unsubscribe
reason String The reason why they are unsubscribing

No documentation available at this time.

Void UnsubscribeUser(String emailAddress, String reason, String[] subscriptionOption)

Parameter Type Description
emailAddress String No documentation available at this time.
reason String No documentation available at this time.
subscriptionOption String[] No documentation available at this time.

Updates a member's details.

Void UpdateMember(MemberDTO member)

Parameter Type Description
member MemberDTO The amended member details.

Updates a member's default car details.

Void UpdateMemberCar(MemberDTO member)

Parameter Type Description
member MemberDTO The amended member details.

Updates vehicle information for member's order.

Void UpdateOrderCarDetails(MemberBookingInformationDTO order, Int32 memberId, String reason)

Parameter Type Description
order MemberBookingInformationDTO Order with updated details.
memberId Int32 Id of member doing the amendment.
reason String Reason for amenment.

Updates journey and vehicle information for member's order.

Void UpdateOrderDetails(MemberBookingInformationDTO order, Int32 memberId, String reason)

Parameter Type Description
order MemberBookingInformationDTO Order with updated details.
memberId Int32 Id of member doing the amendment.
reason String Reason for amenment.

Updates journey information for member's order.

Void UpdateOrderFlightDetails(MemberBookingInformationDTO order, Int32 memberId, String reason)

Parameter Type Description
order MemberBookingInformationDTO Order with updated details.
memberId Int32 Id of member doing the amendment.
reason String Reason for amenment.

Updates previously generated validation for orders that are updated using external members link.

Boolean UpdateOrderVerification(String orderReference, Guid quoteId, Guid verificationId, DateTime updateDate)

Parameter Type Description
orderReference String Order booking reference
quoteId Guid Search quote id
verificationId Guid Custom verification id
updateDate DateTime Update date

Updates a member's password.

Void UpdatePassword(MemberDTO member, String password)

Parameter Type Description
member MemberDTO The member who's password is to be updated.
password String The new password to update to.

Updates the subscription frequency for a given member.

DateTime UpdateSubscriptionFrequency(String emailAddress, SubscriptionFrequency frequency)

Parameter Type Description
emailAddress String The registered email address to update the subscription for.
frequency SubscriptionFrequency The new subscription frequency.

Updates the subscription next send date for a given member based on their current frequency settings.

DateTime UpdateSubscriptionNextSendDate(String emailAddress)

Parameter Type Description
emailAddress String The registered email address to update the subscription for.

No documentation available at this time.

DateTime UpdateSubscriptionNextSendDateTo(String emailAddress, DateTime nextSendDate)

Parameter Type Description
emailAddress String No documentation available at this time.
nextSendDate DateTime No documentation available at this time.

Verifies the new account for a member. This is usually used after user follows the link for member account verification.

Void ValidateNewMember(Int32 memberId, Guid guid)

Parameter Type Description
memberId Int32 Member's id.
guid Guid Unique value provided.

Validates the a username and password pair for authentication.

Boolean ValidatePassword(String username, String password)

Parameter Type Description
username String The member's username.
password String The password to be validated.

Validates the password reset request is still valid and if so performs flags the request as processed.

Note: This action can only be called once for any given request.

Boolean ValidatePasswordReset(Int32 memberId, Guid guid)

Parameter Type Description
memberId Int32 The id of the member to validate the request against.
guid Guid The unique identifier for the request.

Provides facilities to search, book and administer airport parking based orders.



Converts the prices for the quote specified by the quote id to the specified currency

QuoteDTO ChangeCurrency(Guid quoteId, String currency)

Parameter Type Description
quoteId Guid The quote id to extract the information from.
currency String The currency requested to be returned

No documentation available at this time.

ParkingBookingDTO CreateAsyncPaymentBooking(ParkingBookingItineraryDTO itinerary, String PaymentMethod)

Parameter Type Description
itinerary ParkingBookingItineraryDTO No documentation available at this time.
PaymentMethod String No documentation available at this time.

Amendment Step 2: Amends an order by confirming an amendment request.

Void ExecuteAmendment(ParkingOrderAmendmentRequestDTO request)

Parameter Type Description
request ParkingOrderAmendmentRequestDTO An amendment request

Cancellation Step 2: Cancels an order by executing a cancellation request.

Void ExecuteCancellation(ParkingOrderCancellationRequestDTO request)

Parameter Type Description
request ParkingOrderCancellationRequestDTO A cancellation request

Takes the booking itinerary details and turns it into a pending order ready for further processing.

ParkingBookingDTO GenerateBooking(ParkingBookingItineraryDTO itinerary)

Parameter Type Description
itinerary ParkingBookingItineraryDTO The details of the order being purchased.

No documentation available at this time.

QuoteDTO GenerateQuotation(Guid quoteId, Int32 productId, UpsellOptionDTO upsells)

Parameter Type Description
quoteId Guid No documentation available at this time.
productId Int32 No documentation available at this time.
upsells UpsellOptionDTO No documentation available at this time.

This operation is used to get payment fields to be displayed on payment page or update details page.

PaymentFieldDetailedDTO GetDetailedPaymentFields(Int32 productId)

Parameter Type Description
productId Int32 No documentation available at this time.

This operation is used to get payment fields to be displayed on payment page or update details page.

PaymentFieldDTO GetPaymentFields(Int32 ProductId)

Parameter Type Description
ProductId Int32 No documentation available at this time.

This operation returns a set of parking products from their IDs.

ProductDTO GetProducts(Int32[] productIds, String currencyCode)

Parameter Type Description
productIds Int32[] No documentation available at this time.
currencyCode String No documentation available at this time.

Get the set of supported payment methods available for the requested criteria.

PaymentMethodSupportDTO GetSupportedPaymentMethods(Int32 productId, String currencyCode, String countryCode)

Parameter Type Description
productId Int32 No documentation available at this time.
currencyCode String No documentation available at this time.
countryCode String No documentation available at this time.

No documentation available at this time.

ParkingPaymentDTO ProcessBookingPayment(ParkingPaymentDTO payment, String OrderReference)

Parameter Type Description
payment ParkingPaymentDTO No documentation available at this time.
OrderReference String No documentation available at this time.

Executes a single step purchase process which either fails or succeeds.

ParkingBookingDTO Purchase(ParkingBookingItineraryDTO itinerary)

Parameter Type Description
itinerary ParkingBookingItineraryDTO The details of the order being purchased.

Returns a paged collection of filtered (slim) parking bookings.

SlimParkingOrderCollectionDTO QueryParkingOrders(ParkingOrderQueryFiltersDTO filters)

Parameter Type Description
filters ParkingOrderQueryFiltersDTO No documentation available at this time.

No documentation available at this time.

ParkingBookingDTO RegisterAsyncPaymentFailure(PaymentRegistrationDetailsDTO details)

Parameter Type Description
details PaymentRegistrationDetailsDTO No documentation available at this time.

No documentation available at this time.

ParkingBookingDTO RegisterAsyncPaymentSuccess(PaymentRegistrationDetailsDTO details)

Parameter Type Description
details PaymentRegistrationDetailsDTO No documentation available at this time.

Amendment Step 1: Requests and validates an amendment of an order.

ParkingOrderAmendmentRequestDTO RequestAmendment(ParkingOrderAmendmentDetailsDTO details)

Parameter Type Description
details ParkingOrderAmendmentDetailsDTO Details about the amendment

Cancellation Step 1: Requests and validates the cancellation of an order.

ParkingOrderCancellationRequestDTO RequestCancellation(ParkingOrderCancellationDetailsDTO details)

Parameter Type Description
details ParkingOrderCancellationDetailsDTO Details about the cancellation

Performs the required steps to request a client token

String RequestClientToken(Int32 ProductId)

Parameter Type Description
ProductId Int32 No documentation available at this time.

Retrieves a search back

QuoteDTO RetrieveAvailability(Guid quoteId)

Parameter Type Description
quoteId Guid The id of the quote to be retrieved

This operation is used to get a booking.

ParkingBookingDTO RetrieveBooking(String orderReference)

Parameter Type Description
orderReference String Can be either the TPA generated booking reference or the third party reference as provided when registering the booking.

Performs a new availability search.

QuoteDTO SearchAvailability(QuoteItineraryDTO itinerary)

Parameter Type Description
itinerary QuoteItineraryDTO The availability search criteria used in the search process.

This operation returns a set of parking locations based on the type and search term.

LocationDTO SearchLocations(String searchTerm, String locationType)

Parameter Type Description
searchTerm String No documentation available at this time.
locationType String No documentation available at this time.

This operation can be used to update vehicle and journey information for an existing booking.

ParkingBookingDTO UpdateBooking(ParkingBookingItineraryDTO itinerary, String orderReference)

Parameter Type Description
itinerary ParkingBookingItineraryDTO The new required criteria for the existing order.
orderReference String The order reference of the existing order to be updated.

Allows you to store a card on the RealexApi, return a list of cards for a client, and remove a stored card.



Creates a new stored card in the database so that it can be charged later

StoredCardDTO AddNewStoredCard(CardDTO Card, String PayerReference, String CardName)

Parameter Type Description
Card CardDTO Card details to be stored.
PayerReference String The reference for the payer (card owner). Usually the Sales Channel ID.
CardName String A name for the card that can be used to identify it.

Creates a new stored payment method

StoredPaymentMethodDTO AddNewStoredPaymentMethod(StoredPaymentMethodRequestDTO paymentMethod)

Parameter Type Description
paymentMethod StoredPaymentMethodRequestDTO No documentation available at this time.

No documentation available at this time.

StoredCardDTO GetStoredCards(String PayerReference, Guid DefaultCardRef)

Parameter Type Description
PayerReference String No documentation available at this time.
DefaultCardRef Guid No documentation available at this time.

Returns a list of all the stored payment methods by this payer.

StoredPaymentMethodDTO GetStoredPaymentMethods()


Get the set of supported payment methods available for the requested currency.

SupportedPaymentMethodDetailsDTO GetSupportedPaymentMethods(String currency)

Parameter Type Description
currency String No documentation available at this time.

Deletes a stored card from our database

Void RemoveStoredCard(Guid CardRef)

Parameter Type Description
CardRef Guid The reference for the card to be deleted. The reference can be found by calling the GetStoredCards() method.

Removes stored payment method entry

Void RemoveStoredPaymentMethod(String storedPaymentMethodToken)

Parameter Type Description
storedPaymentMethodToken String Stored payment method token, e.g. f28w

Requests a new payment token for the given currency.

String RequestPaymentToken(String currency)

Parameter Type Description
currency String No documentation available at this time.

Update stored payment method, currently only supports setting payment to default

Void SetStoredPaymentMethodToDefault(String storedPaymentMethodToken)

Parameter Type Description
storedPaymentMethodToken String Stored payment method token, e.g. f28w

Provides facilities to search, book and administer port parking based orders.



Performs the required steps to purchase and generate a new order.

PortParkingBookingDTO GenerateBooking(BookingItineraryDTO itinerary)

Parameter Type Description
itinerary BookingItineraryDTO The required criteria for the new order.

Generates a full quotation for some given product.

PortParkingQuoteDTO GenerateQuotation(Guid quoteId, Int32 productId)

Parameter Type Description
quoteId Guid The quote id to extract the information from.
productId Int32 The id of the product to generate the quotation against.

Retreives previous availability search results.

PortParkingQuoteDTO RetrieveAvailability(Guid quoteId)

Parameter Type Description
quoteId Guid The quote id to extract the availability from.

This operation is used to get a booking.

PortParkingBookingDTO RetrieveBooking(String orderReference)

Parameter Type Description
orderReference String Can be either the TPA generated booking reference or the third party reference as provided when registering the booking.

Performs and generates a new availability search.

PortParkingQuoteDTO SearchAvailability(PortParkingQuoteItineraryDTO itinerary)

Parameter Type Description
itinerary PortParkingQuoteItineraryDTO The availability search criteria used in the search process.

Updates car and flight information for an existing order.

PortParkingBookingDTO UpdateBooking(BookingItineraryDTO itinerary, String orderReference)

Parameter Type Description
itinerary BookingItineraryDTO The new required criteria for the existing order.
orderReference String The order reference of the existing order to be updated.

Provides facilities to access Port information.



Gets all the available ports.

PortDTO All()


Finds matching ports.

PortDTO Find(PortDTO port)

Parameter Type Description
port PortDTO The port criteria used for matching

Gets a specific port.

PortDTO Get(String portCode)

Parameter Type Description
portCode String The code for the port to get.

Gets the port associated with the specified product id.

PortDTO GetForProduct(Int32 productId)

Parameter Type Description
productId Int32 The id of the product.

Find all available Ports that match the given input. Ports with the culture stated are displayed first.

PortDTO GetLocalisedPortMatch(String input, String culture)

Parameter Type Description
input String A search string to match Ports against.
culture String Preferred Port culture name.

Finds a port using string matching against its name and / or port code.

PortDTO GetPortMatch(String input)

Parameter Type Description
input String The input string that will be used to perform the matching.

Gets a selection of ports.

PortDTO GetSelected(String portCodes)

Parameter Type Description
portCodes String A comma separated list of codes for each port to get.

Searches for ports matching some given search term.


Provides facilities for getting pricing information.



Gets estimated American Express card fee.

Decimal GetAmexCardFee(String currencyCode)

Parameter Type Description
currencyCode String The 3-character currency code.

Gets the card type that corresponds to the card number provided.

CardTypeDTO GetCardTypeFromCardNumber(String cardNumber)

Parameter Type Description
cardNumber String The card number

Gets the set of supported card types available for use in combination with a specified currency.

CardTypeDTO GetSupportedCardTypes(String currencyCode)

Parameter Type Description
currencyCode String The 3-character currency code to get the supported card types for.

Gets all the currencies that can be used to make purchases in.

CurrencyDTO GetSupportedCurrencies()


Provides facilities to access Product information.



Gets all the available airport parking products.

ProductDTO AllAirportParkingProducts()


Gets all the available port parking products.

ProductDTO AllPortParkingProducts()


Finds matching airport parking products.

ProductDTO FindAirportParkingProducts(ProductDTO product, String airportCode)

Parameter Type Description
product ProductDTO The criteria used to search against.
airportCode String An airport code filter to limit the search to a particular airport.

Finds matching port parking products.

ProductDTO FindPortParkingProducts(ProductDTO product, String portCode)

Parameter Type Description
product ProductDTO The criteria used to search against.
portCode String A port code filter to limit the search to a particular port.

Gets an individual airport parking product using the provided productId.

ProductDTO GetAirportParkingProducts(Int32 productId)

Parameter Type Description
productId Int32 The id of the product to get.

Gets an individual port parking product using the provided productId.

ProductDTO GetPortParkingProducts(Int32 productId)

Parameter Type Description
productId Int32 The id of the product to get.

No documentation available at this time.

ProductDTO GetShortProductsOnLocation(String locationCode, Int32 terminalId)

Parameter Type Description
locationCode String No documentation available at this time.
terminalId Int32 No documentation available at this time.

The redirects service provides a list of url to redirect the user from, and the result of the redirect.



Returns a list of all the HTTP Redirects Pass a specific Sales Channel ID to return the redirects for that sales channelLeave blank to return the redirects related to only the sales channel making the request

RedirectDTO GetRedirects()


Provides facilities to accessing customer reviews and information.



Gets reviews (including statistics) for an airport.

ReviewsDTO GetAirportReviews(String airportCode, Int32 minRating, Int32 maxReviews)

Parameter Type Description
airportCode String The code for the airport to get the reviews for.
minRating Int32 Filters the reviews so only reviews with ratings of this and above are returned.
maxReviews Int32 Limits the review results to have at most this many items.

Gets the review statistics for an airport.

ReviewStatisticsDTO GetAirportReviewStatistics(String airportCode)

Parameter Type Description
airportCode String The code for the airport to generate the review statistics for.

Gets review statistics for Looking4Parking.

ReviewStatisticsDTO GetAllSalesChannelsReviewStatistics()


Gets reviews (including statistics) for a port.

ReviewsDTO GetPortReviews(String portCode, Int32 minRating, Int32 maxReviews)

Parameter Type Description
portCode String The code for the port to get the reviews for.
minRating Int32 Filters the reviews so only reviews with ratings of this and above are returned.
maxReviews Int32 Limits the review results to have at most this many items.

Gets the review statistics for a port.

ReviewStatisticsDTO GetPortReviewStatistics(String portCode)

Parameter Type Description
portCode String The code for the port to generate the review statistics for.

Gets reviews (including statistics) for a product.

ReviewsDTO GetProductReviews(Int32 productId, Int32 minRating, Int32 maxReviews)

Parameter Type Description
productId Int32 The id of the product to get the reviews for.
minRating Int32 Filters the reviews so only reviews with ratings of this and above are returned.
maxReviews Int32 Limits the review results to have at most this many items.

Gets the review statistics for a product.

ReviewStatisticsDTO GetProductReviewStatistics(Int32 productId)

Parameter Type Description
productId Int32 The id of the port to generate the review statistics for.

Gets reviews (including statistics) for your sales channel.

ReviewsDTO GetSalesChannelReviews(Int32 minRating, Int32 maxReviews)

Parameter Type Description
minRating Int32 Filters the reviews so only reviews with ratings of this and above are returned.
maxReviews Int32 Limits the review results to have at most this many items.

Gets review statistics for your sales channel.

ReviewStatisticsDTO GetSalesChannelReviewStatistics()


Gets reviews (including statistics) for a product vendor.

ReviewsDTO GetVendorReviews(Int32 vendorId, Int32 minRating, Int32 maxReviews)

Parameter Type Description
vendorId Int32 The id of the product vendor to get the reviews for.
minRating Int32 Filters the reviews so only reviews with ratings of this and above are returned.
maxReviews Int32 Limits the review results to have at most this many items.

Gets the review statistics for a product vendor.

ReviewStatisticsDTO GetVendorReviewStatistics(Int32 vendorId)

Parameter Type Description
vendorId Int32 The id of the product vendor to generate the review statistics for.

Provides facilities to access Support information.



Gets all available content languages as list of two letter ISO codes

String[] GetAvailableLanguages(String type)

Parameter Type Description
type String Type of support area - Parking or Transfers

Gets all Support sections available for api language

SupportSectionDTO GetSections(String type)

Parameter Type Description
type String Type of support area - Parking or Transfers

Gets all Support sections available for api language, replaces contact information with provided data

SupportSectionDTO GetSections(String type, ContactInformationDTO contactInformation)

Parameter Type Description
type String Type of support area - Parking or Transfers
contactInformation ContactInformationDTO Contact information

Gets required Support section based on section id

SupportSectionDTO GetSupportSection(Int32 sectionId, String type)

Parameter Type Description
sectionId Int32 Required section id
type String Type of support area - Parking or Transfers

Gets required Support section based on section id, replaces contact information with provided data

SupportSectionDTO GetSupportSection(Int32 sectionId, String type, ContactInformationDTO contactInformation)

Parameter Type Description
sectionId Int32 Required section id
type String Type of support area - Parking or Transfers
contactInformation ContactInformationDTO Contact information

Searches for relevant support questions based on search term


Searches for relevant support questions based on search term, replaces contact information with provided information


Provides facilities to search, book and administer transfers orders.



Alls the locations with.

TransfersLocationSearchLocationDTO AllLocationsWith(String countryCode, String type)

Parameter Type Description
countryCode String The country code.
type String The type.

Amendment Step 2: Amends an order by confirming an amendment request.

Void ExecuteAmendment(TransferOrderAmendmentRequestDTO request)

Parameter Type Description
request TransferOrderAmendmentRequestDTO An amendment request

Cancellation Step 2: Cancels an order by executing a cancellation request.

Void ExecuteCancellation(TransferOrderCancellationRequestDTO request)

Parameter Type Description
request TransferOrderCancellationRequestDTO A cancellation request

Retrieves back a quotation for 1 specific service obtained from a previously performed service search request.

TransferServiceQuotationDTO GenerateQuotation(String searchToken, String outboundOrSingleJourneyToken, String returnJourneyToken)

Parameter Type Description
searchToken String A previously established search token.
outboundOrSingleJourneyToken String The unique identifier for the outbound / single service journey.
returnJourneyToken String The unique identifier for the return service journey or null if one-way single trip.

Gets the analytics for the given transfers order.

TransferAnalyticsDTO GetAnalyticsForOrder(String orderReference)

Parameter Type Description
orderReference String The order reference of the order to get the analytics for.

Retrieves back a previously placed booking.

TransferBookingDTO GetBooking(String orderReference)

Parameter Type Description
orderReference String The order reference of the booking to return.

Retrieves current bookings for provided customer email address.

TransferBookingBasicDTO GetCurrentBookingsForCustomer(String emailAddress)

Parameter Type Description
emailAddress String Customer email address.

This operation is used to get payment fields to be displayed on payment page or update details page.

PaymentFieldDetailedDTO GetDetailedPaymentFields(Int32 serviceId, Boolean isReturn)

Parameter Type Description
serviceId Int32 No documentation available at this time.
isReturn Boolean No documentation available at this time.

This operation is used to get Flight times for an outbound flight reference

Void GetOutboundFlightDateTime(String orderReference, String outboundReference, DateTime estimatedDeparture)

Parameter Type Description
orderReference String No documentation available at this time.
outboundReference String No documentation available at this time.
estimatedDeparture DateTime No documentation available at this time.

Retrieves past bookings for provided customer email address.

TransferBookingBasicDTO GetPastBookingsForCustomer(String emailAddress)

Parameter Type Description
emailAddress String Customer email address.

This operation is used to get payment fields to be displayed on payment page or update details page.

PaymentFieldDTO GetPaymentFields(Int32 ServiceId)

Parameter Type Description
ServiceId Int32 No documentation available at this time.

This operation is used to get Flight times for a return flight reference

Void GetReturnFlightDateTime(String orderReference, String returnReference, DateTime estimatedDeparture)

Parameter Type Description
orderReference String No documentation available at this time.
returnReference String No documentation available at this time.
estimatedDeparture DateTime No documentation available at this time.

Retrieves back the results from a previously performed route search request.

TransferServiceSearchDTO GetSearch(String searchToken)

Parameter Type Description
searchToken String A previously established search token.

Returns a specific service.

TransferServiceDTO GetService(Int32 serviceId)

Parameter Type Description
serviceId Int32 The id of the service to return.

Returns a specific service provider.

TransferServiceProviderDTO GetServiceProvider(Int32 serviceProviderId)

Parameter Type Description
serviceProviderId Int32 The id of the service provider to return.

Returns all available providers of services.

TransferServiceProviderDTO GetServiceProviders()


Get the set of supported payment methods available for the requested transfer service.

PaymentMethodSupportDTO GetSupportedPaymentMethods(Int32 transferServiceId, String currencyCode, String countryCode)

Parameter Type Description
transferServiceId Int32 No documentation available at this time.
currencyCode String No documentation available at this time.
countryCode String No documentation available at this time.

Books a transfers order based on the details provided by the itinerary.

TransferBookingDTO PlaceBooking(TransferBookingItineraryDTO itinerary)

Parameter Type Description
itinerary TransferBookingItineraryDTO The booking information used to create the order.

Amendment Step 1: Requests and validates an amendment of an order.

TransferOrderAmendmentRequestDTO RequestAmendment(TransferOrderAmendmentDetailsDTO details)

Parameter Type Description
details TransferOrderAmendmentDetailsDTO Details about the amendment

Returns a new PayPal payment token that is used on the client application to configure Braintree api.

String RequestBraintreePayPalPaymentToken()


Cancellation Step 1: Requests and validates the cancellation of an order.

TransferOrderCancellationRequestDTO RequestCancellation(TransferOrderCancellationDetailsDTO details)

Parameter Type Description
details TransferOrderCancellationDetailsDTO Details about the cancellation

Searches for available return journeys as associated with some previously selected outbound journey.

TransferServiceSearchDTO SearchForReturnServices(String searchToken, String outboundJourneyToken)

Parameter Type Description
searchToken String A previously established search token.
outboundJourneyToken String The journey token for a selected outbound journey.

Searches for available journeys where the complete journey may or may not require an additional return step (known as a 2-step process defined by the service provider)

TransferServiceSearchDTO SearchForServices(TransferServiceSearchItineraryDTO itinerary)

Parameter Type Description
itinerary TransferServiceSearchItineraryDTO The search criteria that will be used to perform the search.

Finds all route source locations filtered by the search term.

LocationDTO SearchForSourceLocations(String searchTerm)

Parameter Type Description
searchTerm String The target search term used to filter locations.

Finds all route target locations starting at the source location filtered by the search term.

LocationDTO SearchForTargetLocations(String sourceLocationCode, String searchTerm)

Parameter Type Description
sourceLocationCode String The source location code
searchTerm String The target search term used to filter locations.

Send order confirmation email to the recipient of the order.

Void SendCustomerConfirmationEmail(String orderReference, String emailAddress)

Parameter Type Description
orderReference String Order booking reference
emailAddress String Email address to send the confirmation to - sends to order customer email if null.

Finds transfer starting locations, optionally filtered by a search term.

TransfersLocationSearchLocationDTO SourceLocations(String searchTerm)

Parameter Type Description
searchTerm String A search term used to filter locations.

Finds transfer ending locations, optionally filtered by a search term.

TransfersLocationSearchLocationDTO TargetLocations(String sourceLocationCode, String searchTerm)

Parameter Type Description
sourceLocationCode String The source location code
searchTerm String A search term used to filter locations.

Updates the pricing for the transfer service using new passenger and vehicle information.

TransferServiceDTO UpdateServiceQuotation(String searchToken, String outboundOrSingleJourneyToken, TransferServicePassengerDTO information)

Parameter Type Description
searchToken String A previously established search token.
outboundOrSingleJourneyToken String The unique identifier for the outbound / single service journey.
information TransferServicePassengerDTO Updated passenger information.



Represents details for a passenger.


Name Type Description
PassengerType AdditionalPassengerType The passenger's type. Available types: Adult, Child and Infant
FirstNames String The passenger's first name or names
LastName String The passenger's family name.
EmailAddress String The passenger's email address.
ContactNumber String The passenger's contact / mobile number.

Represents some international airport.


Name Type Description
Type String The type of location (Airport or Port)
Code String The unique reference code for this location.
Name String The english name of the location.
Url String A url-friendly representation of the location.
Language String An ISO 639-1 2 character language code.
LocalisedName String The name of the location, represented in its native language.
Country CountryDTO Information about the country this location is situated in.
Terminals TerminalDTO Contains the locations terminals (if any)
Reviews ReviewsDTO Contains the Reviews for this location.
GpsCoordinates GpsCoordinatesDTO The GPS Coordinates.
IsPopular Boolean True, if location is popular.

Represents an Airport Parking order placed through our system.


Name Type Description
Quote AirportParkingQuoteDTO
The quotation used to make the order.
OrderReference String
The order's unique reference code.
ThirdPartyOrderReference String
A reference code as provided by a third party purchase registration.
CarparkReference String
The car park's unique reference code.
OrderDate DateTime
Date the order was placed.
Itinerary BookingItineraryDTO
The itinerary used to define the order.
Information BookingInformationDTO
Contains important information about the order that should be relayed to the customer.
Receipt BookingPurchaseReceiptDTO
Contains purchase receipt information.

Holds the details of an airport parking quotation.


Name Type Description
Itinerary AirportParkingQuoteItineraryDTO Contains the itinerary criteria used to generate the quotation.
Id Guid The unique identifier for the quote.
Type String The type of quote.
Currency String The currency the quote is in.
Availability QuoteAvailabilityItemDTO The set of available products for the quote's itinerary.
Pricing PurchasePricingDTO When requested, holds the full purchase pricing information for a given product selected from the availability set.
QuoteItinerary QuoteItineraryDTO The itinerary used to generate this quotation.

Holds the details required for requesting an airport parking availablility search.


Name Type Description
Airport AirportDTO
The airport at which the availablility search should be performed against.
Dates DateRangeDTO The journey from and to dates.
DiscountCode String A special code that can be used to apply discounts to certain products (when available).
DiscountCodeIsValid Boolean Read-Only: When returned, indicates if the provided discount code was accepted.
DiscountCodeType String Read-Only: When returned, specifies the type of discount as either Monetary or Percentage based.
Campaign String Custom marketing code.
Location LocationDTO The location at which the parking products should be returned
CurrencySymbol String An optional currency value to display product prices in currencies requested.

Represents an order placed through our system.


Name Type Description
OrderReference String
The order's unique reference code.
ThirdPartyOrderReference String
A reference code as provided by a third party purchase registration.
CarparkReference String
The car park's unique reference code.
OrderDate DateTime
Date the order was placed.
Itinerary BookingItineraryDTO
The itinerary used to define the order.
Information BookingInformationDTO
Contains important information about the order that should be relayed to the customer.
Receipt BookingPurchaseReceiptDTO
Contains purchase receipt information.

Contains booking fee details for sales channels that accept incoming booking fee.


Name Type Description
Currency String Currency for this booking fee.
BookingFee Decimal Booking fee amount.

General booking information.


Name Type Description
CarParkContactInformationNotice String Contains information regarding contacting the car park.
Procedures BookingInformationProceduresDTO Contains procedure information.

Information regarding any procedures required for the booking to be processed.


Name Type Description
OnArrival String Contains instructions for arriving at the car park when dropping off.
OnReturn String Contains instructions for returning to the car park when picking up.

Contains details used to request a new booking.


Name Type Description
Card CardDTO
The payment card details.
QuoteId Guid
The unique quote ID that this booking has been determined from.
ProductId Int32
The unique product id for the product selected for purchase.
IPAddress String
The user's IP address to track down repeated errors.
MemberId Int32
The unique member id to determine the member purchasing the product.
UserId Int32
On special integrations that have recognised user's this property represents the unique identifier of the user placing the booking and will be saved alongside the order for future reference.
Customer CustomerDTO
The customer's details.
Vehicle VehicleDTO
The vehicle details.
Journey JourneyDTO
The journey details.
UpsellOptions UpsellOptionDTO
The set of Upsell Options selected for purchase.
ThirdPartyEmailsEnabled Boolean
The value for receiving third party emails.
MarketingEmailsEnabled Boolean
The value for receiving marketing emails.
IncomingBookingFee BookingFeeDTO
The incoming booking fee values (only for sales channels that accept incoming booking fee).
PaymentMethod ParkingPaymentDTO
Specifies the payment method to be used.
ThirdPartyOrderDetails ParkingThirdPartyDetailsDTO
When the order is coming from a 3rd party source that processes their own payment, or if otherwise payments should be skipped, these details can be used to set some important information that links the 3rd party's order with the one that will be generated on our system.
ThirdPartyGenericDetails String
Generic details passed by Third Party or SalesChannel or Front-End website This information will be saved in our system, and can be used after the order process is complete.

Holds the payment information for a booking.


Name Type Description
Product ProductDTO The product that was purchased.
Pricing PurchasePricingDTO The full pricing information for the purchased product.
Vendor VendorDTO The vendor the product was purchased from

Contains credit / debit card details.

Note: These details can only be transmitted to our API we never send or store these details anywhere in our system.


Name Type Description
CardHolderName String The name, as it appears on the card, of the card holder.
CardType String
The type of card.
CardNumber String The long 16-digit card number.
ExpiryMonth Int16 A 2 digit expiry month, ranging from 01-12.
ExpiryYear Int16 A 2 digit expiry year YY (4 digits accepted also, YYYY).
SecurityNumber String The CVV security code on the back the card.

Representation of the CarDetails table


Name Type Description
Registration String Registration Number (PK)
RegistrationYear String Year car was made
Make String Brand of car
Colour String Colou of car
PurchasePrice Int32 Price
OrderDate DateTime Date booking was made
AirportCode String Airport Code for top 8
LeadOrderDays Int32 Date Time for when the transaction took place

A type of card.


Name Type Description
Id String The unique identifier for the card (this is the transmit value).
Name String The friendly name for the card.
ImageUrl String
The url for this card type's icon image.
IconUrl String The absoluete url to the card types icon image.

Class for customer service contact information.


Name Type Description
PhoneNumber String Customer service phone number.
EmailAddress String Customer service email address.
ReservationsEmailAddress String Reservations email address.
InformationEmailAddress String Information email address.
ContactUrl String Contact page url.
MembersUrl String Members area url.

A payment field that requires the user to enter a contact number using a dialing code dropdown


Name Type Description
DialingCodes DialingCodeDTO The list of dialing codes to display for the user to choose between
Field String Payment Field
Type PaymentFieldTypeDTO The type of payment field, for example, DepartureFlightNumber
PageNumber Int32 Specifies which payment step page number (1-N) this property appears on.
IsRequired Boolean Signifies whether this payment field is a required field or not.
ProductOrServiceId Int32 The Id of the product or service the payment field belongs to

Represents information regarding a specific Country.


Name Type Description
Code String An ISO 3166-2 character code.
Name String The Country's (english) name.
Currency String The currency code used by the Country.

Represents the support details for credit card based payments.


Name Type Description
AreSupported Boolean Determines if the payment method group is supported.
Supporters PaymentMethodDTO The set of supported payment methods.

A specific currency.


Name Type Description
Code String The ISO 3-character code for the currency.
Name String The name of the currency.
Symbol String The symbol associated with the currency.

Contains customer details.


Name Type Description
Name String The customer's name
EmailAddress String The customer's email address
ContactNumber String The customer's contact / mobile number
Address String The customer's address line
City String The customer's city name
Country String The customer's country code.
Postcode String The customer's postcode.
AgentReference String An optional agent reference that identifies the customer.

A date range from some start to end date times.


Name Type Description
From DateTimeDTO The starting date and time.
To DateTimeDTO The ending date and time.

A single date and time.


Name Type Description
Date String The date component.
Time String The time component.

The dialing code for a specific region, for example GB would be "+44"


Name Type Description
Region RegionInfo The region of the dialing code
Code String The dialing code, for example '+44'

Represents the support details for direct banking based payments.


Name Type Description
AreSupported Boolean Determines if the payment method group is supported.
Supporters PaymentMethodDTO The set of supported payment methods.

Represents the support details for electronic wallet based payments.


Name Type Description
AreSupported Boolean Determines if the payment method group is supported.
Supporters PaymentMethodDTO The set of supported payment methods.

Represents error details related to a cancellation request.


Name Type Description
Code String Fixed error code.
Description String Describes the error, offering possible solutions where appropriate.

Contains details about the customer's flight


Name Type Description
FlightTime DateTime The time of the flight
FlightNumber String The flight number, e.g AF8286
TerminalId Int32 The ID of the terminal

GPS Data Coordinates.


Name Type Description
Latitude Double GPS Latitude.
Longitude Double GPS Longitude.

No documentation available at this time.


Name Type Description
GroupA String No documentation available at this time.

Represents the support details for invoice based payments.


Name Type Description
AreSupported Boolean Determines if the payment method group is supported.
Supporters PaymentMethodDTO The set of supported payment methods.

Represents a single detail about a given journey.


Name Type Description
JourneyToken String The unique identifier for a journey.
JourneyReference String The flight number, ship name or some other reference related to the journey.
TerminalId Int32 The terminal id associated with this journey.
Terminal TerminalDTO Populated on responses where TerminalId was specified and contains details about that Terminal.

Represents details regarding a journey.


Name Type Description
Destination String The final target destination the customer is intending to be located to. Such as hotel name, street address, notable landmarks, Etc.
Outbound JourneyDetailDTO Details related to a starting journey.
Return JourneyDetailDTO Details related to a return journey.

Contains journey details.


Name Type Description
DepartureInfo JourneyInfoDTO Information regarding the departure (Outbound) Journey.
ArrivalInfo JourneyInfoDTO Information regarding the arrival (Inbound) Journey.
PassengerCount Int32 The number of passengers expected to be travelling on the Journey.

Contains journey specific details.


Name Type Description
JourneyReference String Flight number, ship name or some other reference.
Location LocationDTO The location of this endpoint.
Date DateTime The date this endpoint is booked for.
Terminal TerminalDTO The terminal associated with the journey information.
NumberOfPassengers Int32 The number of passengers travelling at this endpoint.
PassengerNumber String The passenger number for the customer travelling.
TargetDestination String The target destination where the customer is traveling to on this journey.

No documentation available at this time.


Name Type Description
LanguageCode String No documentation available at this time.
LCID Int32 No documentation available at this time.
CountryCode String No documentation available at this time.

A specific language.


Name Type Description
Code String The ISO 2-character language code.
Name String The name of the language.
NativeName String The name of the language as written in its native dialect.

A generic location base class


Name Type Description
Type String The type of location (Airport or Port)
Code String The unique reference code for this location.
Name String The english name of the location.
Url String A url-friendly representation of the location.
Language String An ISO 639-1 2 character language code.
LocalisedName String The name of the location, represented in its native language.
Country CountryDTO Information about the country this location is situated in.
Terminals TerminalDTO Contains the locations terminals (if any)
Reviews ReviewsDTO Contains the Reviews for this location.
GpsCoordinates GpsCoordinatesDTO The GPS Coordinates.
IsPopular Boolean True, if location is popular.

Represents the details for a transaction made against an order.


Name Type Description
TransactionId Int32 The unique identifier for a specific transation made against an order.
TransactionDate DateTime The date and time the transaction was originally made on.
OrderReference String The reference assigned by us for this order.
Status String The current status of this order.
Provider LoungeProviderDTO The provider who is providing the lounge.
Lounge LoungeDTO The lounge which has been booked.
JourneyDetails JourneyDetailDTO Details related to the journey.
LeadPassengerDetails PassengerDetailsDTO Details relating to the lead passenger.
AdditionalPassengerDetails AdditionalPassengerDetailsDTO Addtional passengers.

Represents booking information used to generate transfers orders.


Name Type Description
SearchToken String A previously established search token
LoungeId Int32 The unique identifier of the chosen lounge.
LeadPassengerDetails PassengerDetailsDTO Details relating to the lead passenger.
JourneyDetails JourneyDetailsDTO Details related to the journey.
AdditionalPassengerDetails AdditionalPassengerDetailsDTO Additional passengers' details.
PaymentCardDetails CardDTO When payment is intended to be processed through our payment system, specifies the debit / credit card details that will be used to attempt a purchase against. For third Party orders this property must be set to NULL.

Represents an airport lounge.


Name Type Description
Id Int32 The unique identifier for the service.
Name String The name of the service.
ProviderId Int32 The unique identifier for the provider of this item.
MaxStayAllowed TimeSpan The maximum stay at the lounge.
ChildrenMinAge Int32 The minimum child age at this lounge.
ChildrenMaxAge Int32 The maximum child age at this lounge.
ImageUrls String[] The list of lounge image urls.
Terminal TerminalDTO The terminal this lounge is located in (if applicable).
Information LoungeInfoDTO Information about this item.
Facilities LoungeFacilitiesDTO Facilities available for this item.
WorkingHours LoungeWorkingHoursDTO Lounge working hours.
Pricing LoungePricingDTO Contains the pricing information for this item.

Contains information about lounge facilities.


Name Type Description
AirConditioningAvailable Boolean Indicates whether the lounge has air conditioning available.
AlcoholAvailable Boolean Indicates whether the lounge has alcoholic refreshements available.
ConferenceFacilitiesAvailable Boolean Indicates whether the lounge has conference facilities available.
DisabledAccessAvailable Boolean Indicates whether the lounge has disabled access available.
FaxAvailable Boolean Indicates whether the lounge has fax available.
FlightInformationMonitorAvailable Boolean Indicates whether the lounge has flight information monitor available.
InternetAvailable Boolean Indicates whether the lounge has internet available.
NewspapersAvailable Boolean Indicates whether the lounge has newspapers and magazines available.
RefreshmentsAvailable Boolean Indicates whether the lounge has non-alcoholic refreshments available.
TelephoneAvailable Boolean Indicates whether the lounge has telephone available.
TelevisionAvailable Boolean Indicates whether the lounge has television available.
ShowerAvailable Boolean Indicates whether the lounge has shower available.
WifiAvailable Boolean Indicates whether the lounge has wifi available.

Contains information about the lounges item.


Name Type Description
AdditionalInformation String The information of the lounge (if applicable).
Directions String The directions for the lounge (if applicable).

Represents additional lounge information.


Name Type Description
Lounge LoungeDTO Basic lounge information containing unique lounge identifier, lounge name and airport details.
Facilities String[] The list of facilities available in the lounge.
Pricing LoungePricingDTO The pricing for the lounge (per person).
Limitations LoungeLimitationsDTO Limitations,conditions and special information applicable to the lounge.
OpeningHours LoungeOpeningHoursDTO The times between which the lounge is open.
ImageUrl String The image url for the lounge.

Represents lounge limitations and conditions.


Name Type Description
Conditions String[] List of limitations/conditions applicable to the lounge.
Notes String[] List of special or temporary information applicable to the lounge.
ChildrenAllowed Boolean Indication of whether or not children are allowed in the lounge.
InfantsAllowed Boolean Indication of whether or not infants are allowed in the lounge.
MinChildAge Int32 The lower age limit for children.
MaxChildAge Int32 The upper age limit for children.

Respresents lounge opening and closing times.


Name Type Description
OpeningTime String The time when the lounge is opened.
ClosingTime String The time when the lounge is closed.
Day Int32 The day of the week to which the hours apply. E.g. 1=Sunday, 2=Monday etc.
GeneralText String Genetal text, where applicable, relating to operating hours.

Represents the details of a lounge order amendment request.


Name Type Description
OrderReference String The order reference for the parking order to be amended.

Represents a requested amendment of a lounge order.


Name Type Description
AmendmentToken String A special token generated by our systems.
Details LoungeOrderAmendmentDetailsDTO The original request details.

Represents the details of a lounge order cancellation request.


Name Type Description
OrderReference String The order reference for the lounges order to be cancelled.

Represents a requested cancellation of a lounge order.


Name Type Description
CancellationToken String A special token generated by our systems.
Details LoungeOrderCancellationDetailsDTO The original request details.

Represents a single price or fare.


Name Type Description
Price Decimal The price for one unit.
Quanitity Int32 The number of units.
Total Decimal The tital cmbined price for all units.

Represents a single price or fare.


Name Type Description
Adults LoungePriceDTO The adult price calculations.
Children LoungePriceDTO The child price calculations.
Infants LoungePriceDTO The infant price calculations.
BookingFee Decimal A fee that the customer will be charged in addition to the combined prices.
TotalPassengers Decimal The total number of passengers.
TotalPriceForPassengers Decimal The total combined fares of all travelling passengers.
TotalPrice Decimal The total booking price.

Represents pricing values for a single lounge item.


Name Type Description
Currency CurrencyDTO The currency the pricing is calculated in.
Prices LoungePricesDTO Contains the individual prices.

Represents a provider of lounges.


Name Type Description
Id Int32 The unique identifier for the lounge provider.
Name String The name of the provider (optionally localised into a prefered language).
LogoUrl String The absolute url to the route provider's main logo image.

Represents the search results returned from a search request query.


Name Type Description
SearchToken String A unique identifier for search requests, valid for upto 24hours.
SearchDate DateTime The date and time the search was originally performed on.
Itinerary LoungeSearchItineraryDTO The original search itinerary that was provided during the original search request.
Location LocationDTO The lounge location.
Provider LoungeProviderDTO The provider who is providing the lounge.
Lounge LoungeDTO The service for a specified lounge.

Represents the search results returned from a search request query.


Name Type Description
SearchToken String A unique identifier for search requests, valid for upto 24hours.
SearchDate DateTime The date and time the search was originally performed on.
Itinerary LoungeSearchItineraryDTO The original search itinerary that was provided during the original search request.
Location LocationDTO The source (from) location.
Providers LoungeProviderDTO The set of providers who participated in the search result routes.
Lounges LoungeDTO The set of available services available for a specified route.

Represents search criteria used to query airport lounges availability.


Name Type Description
LocationCode String The lounge location code.
Date DateTime The date of visit.
Adults Int32 The total number of adults.
Children Int32 The total number of childs.
Infants Int32 The total number of infants.
CurrencyCode String The ISO-4217 currency code you would prefer the results pricing to be calculated in.

Contains information about lounge working hours.


Name Type Description
Day Int32 Indicates the day of the week (0=Sunday, 1=Monday, 2=Tuesday etc.)
HoursFrom TimeSpan Time when lounge opens (24 hour format).
HoursTo TimeSpan Time when lounge closes (24 hour format).
Information String Information regarding opening hours.
EnglishDayName String English name of the day.

The details of the order the customer can change


Name Type Description
DropoffDate DateTime The date the customer will drop the car off at the car park
PickupDate DateTime The date the customer will collect the car from the car park
CustomerName String The name of the customer that placed the order
ContactNumber String The contact number of the customer that placed the order
DropoffReference String The reference to identify the plane/ship etc the customer is travelling out on
PickupReference String The reference to identify the plane/ship etc the customer is travelling in on
CarMake String The vehicle make specified by the customer
CarModel String The vehicle model specified by the customer
CarColour String The vehicle colour specified by the customer
CarRegistration String The vehicle registration plate as specified by the customer
DropoffTerminalId Int32 The ID of the terminal, if any
PickupTerminalId Int32 The ID of the terminal, if any
NumberOfPassengers Int32 The number of passengers including the driver going on the trip

Contains the information for a specific member's booking.


Name Type Description
OrderReference String
The booking order reference.
TransactionStatus String
The status of the order.
IsCurrentProduct Boolean
Indicates this is a pending order
IsPending Boolean
Indicates this is a pending order.
Vehicle VehicleDTO
The vehicle registered for the booking.
Journey JourneyDTO
Details the journey information the customer has planned.
Receipt BookingPurchaseReceiptDTO
Details the payment information for the booking.
IsCancellable Boolean
Indicates if the order can be cancelled by the customer.
AirportCode String
The code of the airport to which their booking is made for.
DateBooked DateTime
The date the booking was made.
DateFrom DateTime
The date the customer is dropping off their vehicle.
DateTo DateTime
The date the customer intends to return for their vehicle.
CurrencySymbol String
The currency of the purchase.
SalesChannelName String
The name of the sales channel the order was placed on

Represents a customer who has activated their members account.


Name Type Description
MemberId Int32
The unique identifier for the member.
Email String The member's email adddress.
FullName String The member's full name.
Telephone String
The member's contact telephone number.
DateRegistered String
The date the member registered on.
Vehicle VehicleDTO
The member's default vehicle details.

The information used to amend an order


Name Type Description
OrderDetails MemberParkingOrderDetailsDTO The details of the current order
PossibleTerminals KeyValuePair`2[] The names and IDs of the terminals the customer can choose
PossibleNumberOfPassengers Int32[] The options for choosing the number of passengers

Contains a small summary of the member's order


Name Type Description
OrderReference String
The booking order reference.
OrderDate DateTime
The date and time the order was placed
DropOffDate DateTime
The date and time the customer is dropping the car off at the car park
ReturnDate DateTime
The date and time the customer is picking the car up from the car park
ProductName String
The name of the product in the language of the API call culture
IsLiveOrder Boolean
True if it is a live order, false if it is a cancelled order

The order details


Name Type Description
DropoffDate DateTime The date the customer will drop the car off at the car park
PickupDate DateTime The date the customer will collect the car from the car park
CustomerName String The name of the customer that placed the order
ContactNumber String The contact number of the customer that placed the order
DropoffReference String The reference to identify the plane/ship etc the customer is travelling out on
PickupReference String The reference to identify the plane/ship etc the customer is travelling in on
CarMake String The vehicle make specified by the customer
CarModel String The vehicle model specified by the customer
CarColour String The vehicle colour specified by the customer
CarRegistration String The vehicle registration plate as specified by the customer
DropoffTerminalId Int32 The ID of the terminal, if any
PickupTerminalId Int32 The ID of the terminal, if any
NumberOfPassengers Byte The number of passengers including the driver going on the trip

Contains the information for a specific member's booking.


Name Type Description
Status MemberOrderStatus The status of the order
OrderReference String The human readable order identifier
QuoteId String The quote identifier
ProductName String The name of the product in the culture specified
ProductTerminals TerminalDTO The terminals product is available for
SalesChannelName String The name of the sales channel the order was placed through
OrderDate DateTime The date the order was first booked
DropoffDate DateTime The date the customer will drop the car off at the car park
PickupDate DateTime The date the customer will collect the car from the car park
Pricing PurchasePricingDTO The pricing details for this order
DropoffReference String The reference to identify the plane/ship etc the customer is travelling out on
PickupReference String The reference to identify the plane/ship etc the customer is travelling in on
DropoffTerminalName String The name of the terminal, if any
DropoffTerminalId Int32 The id of the terminal, if any
PickupTerminalName String The name of the terminal, if any
PickupTerminalId Int32 The id of the terminal, if any
VehicleMake String The vehicle make specified by the customer
VehicleModel String The vehicle model specified by the customer
VehicleRegistration String The vehicle registration plate as specified by the customer
VehicleColour String The vehicle colour specified by the customer
NumberOfPassengers Int32 The number of passengers including the driver going on the trip
CustomerName String The name of the customer that placed the order
CustomerEmailAddress String The email address of the customer that placed the order
CustomerContactNumber String The contact number of the customer that placed the order
Product MembersProductDetailsDTO The details of the product booked
ProductId Int32 The ID of the product booked
CanBeAmended Boolean Flag to identify whether order can be amended
CanBeCancelled Boolean Flag to identify whether order can be cancelled

The details of a booked product


Name Type Description
Name String The name of the product
LocationName String The name of the airport
Location LocationDTO Location information
Coordinates GpsCoordinatesDTO The coordinates of the car park
AirportCoordinates GpsCoordinatesDTO The coordinates of the airport
ProductType MemberProductType The type of product
LogoUrl String The URL of the product logo
ReviewId Int32 The ID of the product reviews, sometimes called a linked product ID
DetailsOverview String An overview of the product
FeaturesDescriptions String[] Holds the feature set for the product.
DisabledInfo String Describes any accessability related information for disabled customers.
AdditionalInfo String Details any additional important information the customer will need to know.
OnArrival String Describes what a customer must do when they arrive at the car park.
OnReturn String Describes what the customer must do when they return to the car park to collect their vehicle.
SatNavAddress String Describes the GPS compatible address.
Directions String Descibes basic directions to the car park.

Represents some monetary amount.


Name Type Description
Amount Decimal The monetary amount.
Currency String The currency the monetary amount is represented in.

Contains PayAtCarpark details


Name Type Description
Id String Payment Method Id

Represents the support details for No Payments On Website based payments.


Name Type Description
AreSupported Boolean Determines if the payment method group is supported.
Supporters PaymentMethodDTO The set of supported payment methods.

Holds order related details.


Name Type Description
OrderReference String The unique reference for the order (normally of the format "XXX-YYYYY").
ProductProviderReference String The unique reference as provided by an external third party api.
ThirdPartyOrderReference String The unique reference provided by the third party when purchasing.
OrderDate DateTime The date the order was originally created.

Represents an order.


Name Type Description
Details OrderDetailsDTO
The details for this order.
Journey JourneyDTO
Details about the journey the customer has booked for.
Product ProductDTO
The details of the product that was purchased on this order.
UpsellOptions UpsellOptionDTO
The set of upsell options that were added to the purchase.
Customer CustomerDTO
The details of the customer who purchased this order.
Vehicle VehicleDTO
The details of the vehicle that was registered on this order.
Pricing PurchasePricingDTO
The purchase pricing information.
Quote QuoteDTO
The quotation that this order came from.

Pricing information


Name Type Description
TotalPayable Decimal The total paid by the customer for the product
BookingFee Decimal The booking fee added to the total before purchase

Represents an order placed through our system for Parking Section.


Name Type Description
TransactionId String Uniquely identifies a transaction against some order.
OrderReference String The order's unique reference code.
ThirdPartyOrderReference String A reference code as provided by a third party purchase registration.
CarparkReference String The car park's unique reference code.
OrderDate DateTime Date the order was placed.
Itinerary ParkingBookingItineraryDTO The itinerary used to define the order.
Quote QuoteDTO The quote that ths order was generated from.
Information BookingInformationDTO Contains important information about the order that should be relayed to the customer.
Receipt BookingPurchaseReceiptDTO Contains purchase receipt information.
OrderStatus String Contains Order's Current Status in the system.
PartnerFinancialDetails PartnerFinancialDetails Financial information specifically relevant for the connecting partner (sales channel)

Contains details used to request a new booking.


Name Type Description
QuoteId Guid The unique quote ID that this booking has been determined from.
ProductId Int32 The unique product id for the product selected for purchase.
IPAddress String The user's IP address to track down repeated errors.
MemberId Int32 The unique member id to determine the member purchasing the product.
UserId Int32 On special integrations that have recognised user's this property represents the unique identifier of the user placing the booking and will be saved alongside the order for future reference.
Customer CustomerDTO The customer's details.
Vehicle VehicleDTO The vehicle details.
Journey JourneyDTO The journey details.
UpsellOptions UpsellOptionDTO The set of Upsell Options selected for purchase.
ThirdPartyEmailsEnabled Boolean The value for receiving third party emails.
MarketingEmailsEnabled Boolean The value for receiving marketing emails. If value is null, marketing emails will be enabled.
IncomingBookingFee BookingFeeDTO The incoming booking fee values (only for sales channels that accept incoming booking fee).
PaymentMethod ParkingPaymentDTO
Specifies the payment method to be used.
PaymentInstructions PaymentInstructionsDTO The payment instructions needed to process payments from client applications.
ThirdPartyOrderDetails ParkingThirdPartyDetailsDTO When the order is coming from a 3rd party source that processes their own payment, or if otherwise payments should be skipped, these details can be used to set some important information that links the 3rd party's order with the one that will be generated on our system.
ThirdPartyGenericDetails String Generic details passed by Third Party or SalesChannel or Front-End website This information will be saved in our system, and can be used after the order process is complete.

Represents the details of a parking order amendment request.


Name Type Description
OrderReference String The order reference for the parking order to be amended.
PassengerNumber String A flight / cruise passenger number (optional).
NumberOfPassengers Int32 The number of passengers expecting to travel (optional).
DropOffDate DateTime The drop off date (optional).
DropOffTerminalId Int32 The terminal at which the passenger will be dropping off (optional).
DropOffReference String A drop off reference code such as flight number or ship name (optional).
ReturnDate DateTime The return date (optional).
ReturnTerminalId Int32 The terminal at which the passenger will be returning on (optional).
ReturnReference String A return reference code such as flight number or ship name (optional).
CustomerName String The passenger's name (optional).
CustomerContactNumber String The passenger's contact telephone number (optional).
CustomerEmailAddress String The passenger's email address (optional).
CustomerAddress String The passenger's postal address (optional).
CustomerPostcode String The passenger's postal / zip code (optional).
CustomerCultureCode String The passenger's culture code: xx-YY (optional).
VehicleMake String The vehicle make (optional).
VehicleModel String The vehicle model (optional).
VehicleColour String The vehicle colour (optional).
VehicleRegistration String The vehicle registration / license (optional).

Represents a requested amendment of a parking order.


Name Type Description
AmendmentToken String A special token generated by our systems.
AmendmentCost MoneyDTO The monetary amount that must be paid in full in order to complete the amendment.
AmendmentPayableOnArrivalCost MoneyDTO The monetary amount that must be paid on arrival to the car park.
Details ParkingOrderAmendmentDetailsDTO The original request details.
Payment ParkingPaymentDTO Should be populated with payment information when an amendment requires additional payment.
PaymentInstructions PaymentInstructionsDTO Should be populated with payment token when Braintree integration used.
AmendmentReason String Details about why the amendment is being initiated.
AmendmentInitiator String The name of the person or system that requested the amendment.

Represents the details of a parking order cancellation request.


Name Type Description
OrderReference String The order reference for the parking order to be cancelled.

Represents a requested cancellation of a parking order.


Name Type Description
CancellationToken String A special token generated by our systems.
CancellationFee MoneyDTO The monetary amount being deducted as a fee for cancelling.
RefundAmount MoneyDTO The monetary amount being refunded back to the customer.
Details ParkingOrderCancellationDetailsDTO The original request details.
CancellationReason String Details about why the cancellation is being initiated.
CancellationInitiator String The name of the person or system that requested the cancellation.

Represents the set of filters available when querying parking booking.


Name Type Description
CustomerNameOrEmail String A customer's name or email address to match against
VehicleRegistration String A vehicle's registration to match against.
Products Int32[] A set of product ids to match against
Providers Int32[] A set of provider ids to match against
Suppliers Int32[] A set of supplier ids to match against
Locations Int32[] A set of location ids to match against
RecordsPerPage Int32 No documentation available at this time.
PageNumber Int32 No documentation available at this time.

Represents an order payment through our system for Parking Section.


Name Type Description
Source String The payment source selected by the client / user
Card CardDTO When payment via card is selected this property must contain the relevant Card data.
NoPaymentOnPurchase NoPaymentOnPurchaseDTO When payment using a PayAtCarpark methid this property must contain the id.
PayPal PayPalDTO When payment via PayPal is selected this property must contain the relevant PayPal data.
Pnf PnfDTO When payment via PNF is selected this property must contain the relevant PNF data.
StoredCard StoredCardDTO When payment using a Realex stored card this property must contain the card and payer references data.

Represents the details of orders that have been defined and purchased externally through a 3rd-Party system.


Name Type Description
ServiceCode String The 3rd-Party's unique identifier for the booked service.
OrderReference String The 3rd-Party's unique identifier for the booking.
PurchaseDate DateTime The date the order was originally purchased on.
PurchasePrice Decimal The total amount the customer paid to purchase.
PurchaseCurrencyCode String The ISO-4217 currency code the order was purchased in.
CultureCode String The culture code the order was booked in.

Represents details for a passenger.


Name Type Description
Title String Title
FirstNames String The passenger's first name or names
LastName String The passenger's family name.
EmailAddress String The passenger's email address.
ContactNumber String The passenger's contact / mobile number.

Encapsulates the details of a payment field entry.


Name Type Description
Field String Payment Field
Type PaymentFieldTypeDTO The type of payment field, for example, DepartureFlightNumber
PageNumber Int32 Specifies which payment step page number (1-N) this property appears on.
IsRequired Boolean Signifies whether this payment field is a required field or not.
ProductOrServiceId Int32 The Id of the product or service the payment field belongs to

Encapsulates the details of a payment field entry.


Name Type Description
FieldId String
The unique identifier for the field
Field String
Payment Field
Type PaymentFieldTypeDTO
The type of payment field, for example, DepartureFlightNumber
PageNumber Int32
Specifies which payment step page number (1-N) this property appears on.
IsRequired Boolean
Signifies whether this payment field is a required field or not.
ProductOrServiceId Int32
The Id of the product or service the payment field belongs to

A type of payment field


Name Type Description

Represents the payment instructions needed to process payments from client applications.

Note: This is used by the new V2 Payment System (Braintree)


Name Type Description
AreBeingUsed Boolean Used internally to determine if this payment instructions are correctly populated for use.
IsStoredCheckout Boolean Used to determine if stored payment information will be used for checkout
PaymentMethodNonce String The payment method nonce as collected through client integration processes (Braintree).
StoredPaymentMethodToken String The stored payment method token client integration processes (Braintree).

Represents an object that contains the payment method details used when processing a payment. Only one of the payment method intension properties should be populated in any given scenario.


Name Type Description
Card CardDTO When payment via card is selected this property must contain the relevant Card data.
NoPaymentOnPurchase NoPaymentOnPurchaseDTO When payment using a PayAtCarpark methid this property must contain the id.
PayPal PayPalDTO When payment via PayPal is selected this property must contain the relevant PayPal data.
Pnf PnfDTO When payment via PNF is selected this property must contain the relevant PNF data.
StoredCard StoredCardDTO When payment using a Realex stored card this property must contain the card and payer references data.

Represents details about a specific payment method.


Name Type Description
Id String The id of the payment method
Name String The name of the payment method
LogoUrl String The payment method's logo url.

Represents details about supported payment methods.


Name Type Description
CreditCardPayments CreditCardPaymentsDTO Details credit card payment support.
ElectronicWalletPayments ElectronicWalletPaymentsDTO Details electronic wallet payment support.
DirectBankingPayments DirectBankingPaymentsDTO Details direct banking payment support.
InvoicingPayments InvoicingPaymentsDTO Details invoice payment support.
NoPaymentsOnWebsitePayments NoPaymentsOnWebsitePaymentsDTO Details invoice payment support.
PNFPayments PNFPaymentsDTO Embeded payment page from external payment provider

Represents payment details sent by a client to finalise a booking's payment process events.


Name Type Description
ErrorMessage String A message explaining what the error was.
ErrorType String A type identifier for the error.
OrderReference String The order reference of the booking being purchased.
AuthCode String The authorization code returned upon successful payment as supplied by the provider.
PaymentMethod String The unique identifier for the payment method being processed.
PaymentProvider String The unique identifier for the payment provider who processed the payment.

Contains PayPal details.


Name Type Description
PaymentMethodNonce String The payment method nonce returned by braintree client integration.

No documentation available at this time.


Name Type Description
AgeRange Int32 No documentation available at this time.
Percentage Decimal No documentation available at this time.

No documentation available at this time.


Name Type Description
Colour String No documentation available at this time.
Percentage Decimal No documentation available at this time.

No documentation available at this time.


Name Type Description
Make String No documentation available at this time.
Percentage Decimal No documentation available at this time.

Contains Pnf details.


Name Type Description
Token String The payment method token returned by PNFs payment provider once a card has been validated.

Represents the support details for Embeded Payment Page, when payment fields are shown by third party and payments are taken third party provide but on our website. .e.g PNF


Name Type Description
AreSupported Boolean Determines if the payment method group is supported.
Supporters PaymentMethodDTO The set of supported payment methods.

Represents some international port.


Name Type Description
Type String The type of location (Airport or Port)
Code String The unique reference code for this location.
Name String The english name of the location.
Url String A url-friendly representation of the location.
Language String An ISO 639-1 2 character language code.
LocalisedName String The name of the location, represented in its native language.
Country CountryDTO Information about the country this location is situated in.
Terminals TerminalDTO Contains the locations terminals (if any)
Reviews ReviewsDTO Contains the Reviews for this location.
GpsCoordinates GpsCoordinatesDTO The GPS Coordinates.
IsPopular Boolean True, if location is popular.

Represents a Port Parking order placed through our system.


Name Type Description
Quote PortParkingQuoteDTO
The quotation used to make the order.
OrderReference String
The order's unique reference code.
ThirdPartyOrderReference String
A reference code as provided by a third party purchase registration.
CarparkReference String
The car park's unique reference code.
OrderDate DateTime
Date the order was placed.
Itinerary BookingItineraryDTO
The itinerary used to define the order.
Information BookingInformationDTO
Contains important information about the order that should be relayed to the customer.
Receipt BookingPurchaseReceiptDTO
Contains purchase receipt information.

Holds the details of a port parking quotation.


Name Type Description
Itinerary PortParkingQuoteItineraryDTO Contains the itinerary criteria used to generate the quotation.
Id Guid The unique identifier for the quote.
Type String The type of quote.
Currency String The currency the quote is in.
Availability QuoteAvailabilityItemDTO The set of available products for the quote's itinerary.
Pricing PurchasePricingDTO When requested, holds the full purchase pricing information for a given product selected from the availability set.
QuoteItinerary QuoteItineraryDTO The itinerary used to generate this quotation.

Holds the details required for requesting a port parking availablility search.


Name Type Description
Port PortDTO
The port at which the availablility search should be performed against.
Dates DateRangeDTO The journey from and to dates.
DiscountCode String A special code that can be used to apply discounts to certain products (when available).
DiscountCodeIsValid Boolean Read-Only: When returned, indicates if the provided discount code was accepted.
DiscountCodeType String Read-Only: When returned, specifies the type of discount as either Monetary or Percentage based.
Campaign String Custom marketing code.
Location LocationDTO The location at which the parking products should be returned
CurrencySymbol String An optional currency value to display product prices in currencies requested.

No documentation available at this time.


Name Type Description
ID Int32 No documentation available at this time.
Name String No documentation available at this time.
Posts PostDTO No documentation available at this time.

No documentation available at this time.


Name Type Description
Post_ID Int32 No documentation available at this time.
LCID Int32 No documentation available at this time.
PostDTO PostDTO No documentation available at this time.

No documentation available at this time.


Name Type Description
Post_ID Int32 No documentation available at this time.
Title String No documentation available at this time.
SEOTitle String No documentation available at this time.
SubTitle String No documentation available at this time.
Preview String No documentation available at this time.
Meta_Description String No documentation available at this time.
PostContent String No documentation available at this time.
LanguageCode String No documentation available at this time.
URL String No documentation available at this time.
Is_Live Boolean No documentation available at this time.
Category_ID Int32 No documentation available at this time.
Publish_Date DateTime No documentation available at this time.
User_ID Int32 No documentation available at this time.
UserName String No documentation available at this time.
PostCategoryDTO PostCategoryDTO No documentation available at this time.
Tags TagDTO No documentation available at this time.
Post_Countries PostCountryDTO No documentation available at this time.

No documentation available at this time.


Name Type Description
Tag_ID Int32 No documentation available at this time.
Post_ID Int32 No documentation available at this time.
Tag TagDTO No documentation available at this time.
PostDTO PostDTO No documentation available at this time.

Contains details for a given product.


Name Type Description
Overview String A brief description of the product.
DisplayName String A localised name of the product.
Summary String Short summary of features and benefits the product offers.
ShortDescription String A one-line description of the product.
AdditionalInfo String Details any additional important information the customer will need to know.
BusFrequency String Descibes the frequency of the transfer bus (when applicable).
Directions String Descibes basic directions to the car park.
DisabledInfo String Describes any accessability related information for disabled customers.
DistanceFromAirport String Describes the distance to the airport / port from the car park.
FeaturesBenefits String Full set of features and benafits the product offers.
OnArrival String Describes what a customer must do when they arrive at the car park.
OnReturn String Describes what the customer must do when they return to the car park to collect their vehicle.
OpeningTimes String Describes the times when the car park is open.
Provider String The provider that this parking product is originally sold by
SatNavAddress String Describes the GPS compatible address.
TransferTimeInMinutes Int32 The amount of time in minutes it takes the transfer bus to arrive at the airport / port (when applicable).
TransferTimeToAirport String Describes the amount of time it takes the transfer bus to arrive at the airport / port (when applicable).
Features ProductDetailsFeaturesDTO Holds the feature set for the product.
FeaturesDescriptions String[] List of descriptions for features and benefits.
SummaryDescriptions String[] List of descriptioins for search summary.
HaveEnabledLandingPage Boolean Have product enabled landing page.

Contains indicators as to which features this Product exposes.


Name Type Description
Recommended Boolean Indicates whether the Product is recommended on your Sales Channel.
Priority Boolean Indicates whether the Product is priority product on your Sales Channel.
IsNonFlexible Boolean Indicates whether the Product is non-flexible.
ParkMarkAccredited Boolean Indicates the associated product car park has been accredited by the ParkMark scheme.
PriceGuarantee Boolean Indicates the price for the product has been guarenteed at the cheapest available on the market.
SecureBarrier Boolean Indicates the car park has a security barrier.
KeysSecuredOnSite Boolean Indicates that the customer's keys will be kept with the car park until they return.
VideoSurveillance Boolean Indicates the car park uses CCTV surveillance.
RoundTheClockSecurity Boolean Indicates the car park is monitored 24/7.
Floodlighting Boolean Indicates the car park has floodlighting.
SuitableForFamilies Boolean Indicates the product is suitable for families and is child-friendly.
SuitableForLargeEquipment Boolean Indicates that large luggage / equipment is acceptable for the product.
SuitableForLotsOfluggage Boolean Indicates that lots of luggage is acceptable for the product.

A purchasable product.


Name Type Description
Id Int32 The unique identifier from the Product.
Name String The Product's Name.
Type String The type of Product.
SubType String A sub-type of Product - currently used for American types.
CoverType String The coverage of the parking - Uncovered, Covered of Indoor.
Url String A url-freindly representation for the Product
ImageUrl String
A url pointing to an image for an Product.
LogoUrl String The absoluete url to the product's logo.
GpsCoordinates GpsCoordinatesDTO The GPS Coordinates from the Product.
Details ProductDetailsDTO Holds details about the Product.
ReviewStatistics ReviewStatisticsDTO Holds review statistics related to the Product.
UpsellOptions UpsellOptionDTO Holds the set of Upsell Options available for purchase with the Product.
PurchaseModel String Specifies how payments are taken for this product. I.E: Deposit Only, Full Payment, Etc.
LinkedProductId Int32 An id of the product that is similar to this product (used for finding related reviews).
Terminals TerminalDTO The terminal where the parking is located.
DistanceFromAirportInMetres Int32 The distance from the product to the airport in metres.
Status String Status of the product
LocationCode String The code of the location this product is located at
Location LocationDTO Details of where the product is located
ProductCode String L4 Product Code

Contains the pricing information for a product.


Name Type Description
BasePrice Decimal The original, unaltered price for product.
QuotePrice Decimal The quotation price.
PurchasePrice Decimal The amount that must be paid today in order to purchase the product.
DiscountAmount Decimal The amount discounted.
DiscountPercentage Decimal The percentage discounted.
DiscountValue Decimal
The discount value represented by the discount value type (as configured).
DiscountValueType String
The type of value the discount represents (as configured). Values: Percentage | Monetary
DiscountReasonForInvalidity String The reason of discount invalidity.
AirportLevyFee Decimal The amount of airport levy amount applied to this purchase.
AirportLevyFeeInPounds Decimal The amount of airport levy amount applied to this purchase, in pounds.
Currency String The currency of this purchase.
BasePriceInPounds Decimal
The original, unaltered price for product, in pounds.
PricePerDay Decimal Price per day value for this order.
DiscountAmountAgainstTurnUpPrice Decimal The amount discounted against TurnUp/DriveIn Price
DiscountPercentageAgainstTurnUpPrice Decimal The percentage discounted against TurnUp/DriveIn Price
TurnUpPrice Decimal The original, unaltered TurnUp/DriveIn price for product which a carpark would charge if not pre-booked

Propel booking management token class.


Name Type Description
Token String Temporary Propel booking management token.
Expiration Int64 The token expiration time.

Contains the pricing information for a purchase as a whole.


Name Type Description
BookingFee Decimal The booking fee amount for this purchase.
TotalFees Decimal The combined total of all purchase and associated product fees.
TotalUpsells Decimal The total amount for all upsells on this purchase.
TotalPayable Decimal The (grand) total amount payable overall.
TotalPayableToday Decimal
The total amount that must be paid today in order to purchase a selected product.
TotalPayableUpfront Decimal The amount payable upfront.
TotalPayableUponArrival Decimal The amount payable direct to the car park.
FuelSurcharge Decimal The Fuel Surcharge amount for this booking
SalesTax Decimal The Sales Tax amount for this booking (that will be shown to customer). If greater than 0, then it means price doesnt include sales tax, and diplay it to customer.
Revenue Decimal The amount of revenue earned in GBP. Used by analystics and commission tracking scripts.
Commission Decimal
No documentation available at this time.
CommissionInPounds Decimal
No documentation available at this time.
TotalPayableInPounds Decimal
No documentation available at this time.
BookingFeeInPounds Decimal
No documentation available at this time.
DiscountValueInPounds Decimal
No documentation available at this time.
AffiliateQuotePrice Decimal The Affiliate Quote Price excluding VAT (if applicable).
VatAmount Decimal VAT is a sales tax that we don't generally show to a customer, unless they ask for it
ThirdPartyPricing ThirdPartyPricingDTO Third party pricing object, used for imported orders
BasePrice Decimal The original, unaltered price for product.
QuotePrice Decimal The quotation price.
PurchasePrice Decimal The amount that must be paid today in order to purchase the product.
DiscountAmount Decimal The amount discounted.
DiscountPercentage Decimal The percentage discounted.
DiscountValue Decimal
The discount value represented by the discount value type (as configured).
DiscountValueType String
The type of value the discount represents (as configured). Values: Percentage | Monetary
DiscountReasonForInvalidity String The reason of discount invalidity.
AirportLevyFee Decimal The amount of airport levy amount applied to this purchase.
AirportLevyFeeInPounds Decimal The amount of airport levy amount applied to this purchase, in pounds.
Currency String The currency of this purchase.
BasePriceInPounds Decimal
The original, unaltered price for product, in pounds.
PricePerDay Decimal Price per day value for this order.
DiscountAmountAgainstTurnUpPrice Decimal The amount discounted against TurnUp/DriveIn Price
DiscountPercentageAgainstTurnUpPrice Decimal The percentage discounted against TurnUp/DriveIn Price
TurnUpPrice Decimal The original, unaltered TurnUp/DriveIn price for product which a carpark would charge if not pre-booked

A single quote availability item entry.


Name Type Description
Product ProductDTO The product associated with this availability item.
Pricing PurchasePricingDTO The procing information for this availability item.

Holds the common elements for all types of quotes.


Name Type Description
Id Guid The unique identifier for the quote.
Type String The type of quote.
Currency String The currency the quote is in.
Availability QuoteAvailabilityItemDTO The set of available products for the quote's itinerary.
Pricing PurchasePricingDTO When requested, holds the full purchase pricing information for a given product selected from the availability set.
QuoteItinerary QuoteItineraryDTO The itinerary used to generate this quotation.

Holds the common details for all types of availability searching.


Name Type Description
Dates DateRangeDTO The journey from and to dates.
DiscountCode String A special code that can be used to apply discounts to certain products (when available).
DiscountCodeIsValid Boolean Read-Only: When returned, indicates if the provided discount code was accepted.
DiscountCodeType String Read-Only: When returned, specifies the type of discount as either Monetary or Percentage based.
Campaign String Custom marketing code.
Location LocationDTO The location at which the parking products should be returned
CurrencySymbol String An optional currency value to display product prices in currencies requested.

Defines a redirect from one url to another


Name Type Description
OldPath String The path to redirect from
NewPath String The path to redirect to
Code HttpStatusCode The http code to respond with

Represents a single review made by a customer against some product.


Name Type Description
Rating Int32 A generic rating between 1 and 5.
Reviewer String The name of person who authored the review (usually the customer).
ReviewDate DateTimeDTO The date and time the review was made.
Title String The review title.
Message String The main contents of the review.

Represents a set of review and associated statistics.


Name Type Description
ReviewStatistics ReviewStatisticsDTO Statistical information for the reviews in this set.
ListOfReviews ReviewDTO The set of individual reviews.

Contains statistical information about some set of reviews.


Name Type Description
Total Int32 The total number of reviews.
Rating Double The proportional rating representation between 0 and 1.0

Contains a small summary of the member's order


Name Type Description
OrderDate DateTime The date the order was first booked
ProductName String The name of the product in the culture specified
DropoffDate DateTime The date the customer will drop the car off at the car park
PickupDate DateTime The date the customer will collect the car from the car park
OrderReference String The human readable order identifier
canBeAmended Boolean Flag to identify whether order can be amended
canBeCancelled Boolean Flag to identify whether order can be cancelled
CanPrintVATReceipt Boolean Flag to identify whether order VAT receipt can be printed

Slimmer version of a parking customer.


Name Type Description
Name String Name
Email String Email Address
Phone String Phone number

Slimmer version of a parking location.


Name Type Description
Code String Location code (IATA for Airports)
Id Int32 Unique Identifier
Name String Name

A paged collection of slim parking orders


Name Type Description
PageNumber Int32 No documentation available at this time.
RecordsPerPage Int32 No documentation available at this time.
TotalRecords Int32 No documentation available at this time.
TotalPages Int32 No documentation available at this time.
Items SlimParkingOrderDTO No documentation available at this time.

Slimmer version of a parking booking's basic details.


Name Type Description
PurchaseNumber Int32 No documentation available at this time.
BookingReference String The unique reference for the booking.
CarParkReference String The unique reference as provided by the 3rd-party product provider's API
PartnerReference String The unique reference as provided by the 3rd-party sales channel partner

Slimmer version of a parking booking.


Name Type Description
Details SlimParkingOrderDetailsDTO Booking details
Product SlimParkingProductDTO Product details
Location SlimParkingLocationDTO Location details
Customer SlimParkingCustomerDTO Customer details
Vehicle SlimParkingVehicleDTO Vehicle details
Pricing SlimParkingPricingDTO Pricing details

Slimmer version of a parking pricing.


Name Type Description
Price Decimal The total price
Discount Decimal The amount of discount applied
Currency String The pricing currency

Slimmer version of a parking product.


Name Type Description
Provider SlimParkingSupplierDTO THe providing api that providers this product
Supplier SlimParkingSupplierDTO The supplier who own's the product
Id Int32 Unique Identifier
Name String Name

Slimmer version of a parking provider (api).


Name Type Description
Id Int32 Unique Identifier
Name String Name

Slimmer version of a parking supplier.


Name Type Description
Id Int32 Unique Identifier
Name String Name

Slimmer version of a parking vehicle.


Name Type Description
Make String Make
Model String Model
Registration String Registration

Special offer verification class


Name Type Description
EmailAddress String Special offer customer email address.
AccessCode String Special offer randomly generated 8-value code.

Statistics calculated for live feeds


Name Type Description
TotalCarsParked Int32 Total Cars Parked Today at a specific airport
AvgLeadTime Double The average days between making the transaction and day of booking
AvgPrice Double The average purchase price of all orders
GroupList GroupDTO No documentation available at this time.
PercentageByMake PercentageByMakeDTO The percentage of each make of car currentley parked
PercentageByAge PercentageByAgeDTO The percentage of cars parked per age range
PercentageByColour PercentageByColourDTO The percentage of cars parked per car colour
AirportCode String[] Airports Code (Top 8)
TopAirports String[] Airports Codes (Top 8)

Contains details to charge Realex stored cards.


Name Type Description
PayerReference String The reference of the payer making the payment Usually the Sales Channel Id (Client)
Name String The name given to the card to identify it
LastFourDigits String The last four digits of the card number to help identify it if the name is not unique
CardRef Guid The reference of the card to be charged (if the payer has multiple cards)

Contains details to charge Realex stored cards.


Name Type Description
Name String The name given to the payment method to identify it
IsDefault Boolean Flag for default payment method
StoredPaymentMethodToken String Payment method token (short, i.e. 5t3w8z) to be used when purchasing, using stored puchase method
LastFourDigits String Payment card last four digits

Contains details to charge Realex stored cards.


Name Type Description
Name String The name given to the payment method to identify it
IsDefault Boolean Flag for default payment method
PaymentMethodNonce String Payment nonce generated by Braintree

Represents subscription details for a email marketing subscriber.


Name Type Description
EmailAddress String The email address of the subscriber.
SubscriptionFrequency SubscriptionFrequency The rate at which the subscriber would like to recieve marketting emails.
NextSendDate DateTime The date the next email will be sent.
Subscribed Boolean Specified whether the subscriber is currently subscribed to email markettting or not.

Represents details about which payment methods are supported


Name Type Description
CreditCardsSupported Boolean Are credit cards supported?
PayPalSupported Boolean Are PayPal™ supported?
GooglePaySupported Boolean Are GooglePay™ supported?
ApplePaySupported Boolean Is ApplePay™ supported?

Support information section


Name Type Description
Id Int32 Support section id
Name String Support section name
Questions SupportSectionQuestionDTO Support section questions

Support question


Name Type Description
Id Int32 Support question id
SectionId Int32 Support questions section id
Question String Support question
Answer String Support answer to question
Keywords String[] Keywords related to question

No documentation available at this time.


Name Type Description
ID Int32 No documentation available at this time.
Name String No documentation available at this time.
Post_Tags PostTagDTO No documentation available at this time.

An entry or exit Terminal.


Name Type Description
Id Int32 The unique identifier for the terminal.
Name String
The name of the Terminal.
EnglishName String The name of the terminal in English
LocalisedName String The name of the terminal in the culture of the customer If no translation is available then this will be equal to EnglishName

A payment field that requires a user to pick from a selection dropdown of terminals


Name Type Description
Terminals TerminalDTO The terminals the user is able to select from
Field String Payment Field
Type PaymentFieldTypeDTO The type of payment field, for example, DepartureFlightNumber
PageNumber Int32 Specifies which payment step page number (1-N) this property appears on.
IsRequired Boolean Signifies whether this payment field is a required field or not.
ProductOrServiceId Int32 The Id of the product or service the payment field belongs to

Class for custom terms and conditions information.


Name Type Description
Type TermsType Type of terms and conditions. Values: Parking, Transfers, Lounges. (default=Parking)
Locale String The ISO 2-Character language code the terms and conditions should be provided in (default="en") .
ParkingProductId Int32 A parking product Id that when provided can be used to serve alternative terms and conditions.
PhoneNumber String Custom number to be included in terms and conditions. (optional)
EmailAddress String Custom email address to be included in terms and conditions. (optional)
ContactUrl String Custom customer service contact url to be included in terms and conditions. (optional)
ContactLinkText String Custom customer service link text. (optional)
CompanyName String Custom company name to be included in terms and conditions. (optional)
TransferServiceProviderId Int32 Specifies the id of the transfer service provider so that their explicit terms can be embedded (optional)
MemberUrl String Members area url.

Third party pricing object, used for imported orders


Name Type Description
TotalPayableUpFront Decimal Purchase total for third party partner order
TotalPayableUponArrival Decimal Purchase payable on arrival for third party partner order

Holds information for an order used in various analytics systems.


Name Type Description
Commission Decimal The total commission (profit) made.
EmbeddedGoogleAnalyticsScript String Embeddable GA tracking scripts (contains html so don't escape)
EmbeddedGoogleAdWordScripts String Embeddable Google AdWords tracking scripts (contains html so don't escape)
EmbeddedEcommerceDataLayer String Embeddable Ecommerce Data Layer (contains html so don't escape)

Represents the basic details for a transaction made against an order.


Name Type Description
TransactionDate DateTime The date and time the transaction was originally made on.
OrderReference String The reference assigned by us for this order.
Status String The current status of this order.
Quotation TransferServiceQuotationBasicDTO The basic quotation information for quotation that generated the booking.

Represents the details for a transaction made against an order.


Name Type Description
TransactionId Int32 The unique identifier for a specific transation made against an order.
TransactionDate DateTime The date and time the transaction was originally made on.
OrderReference String The reference assigned by us for this order.
ProviderReference String The reference assigned by the service provider for this order.
ThirdPartyReference String The reference assigned by the 3rd party partner for this order.
Status String The current status of this order.
LeadPassengerDetails PassengerDetailsDTO Details relating to the lead passenger.
Quotation TransferServiceQuotationDTO The quotation that generated the booking.

Represents booking information used to generate transfers orders.


Name Type Description
Quotation TransferServiceQuotationDTO A previously established service quotation.
LeadPassengerDetails PassengerDetailsDTO Details relating to the lead passenger.
PaymentCardDetails CardDTO
When payment is intended to be processed through our payment system, specifies the debit / credit card details that will be used.
PaymentMethodDetails PaymentMethodDetailsDTO When payment is intended to be processed through our payment system, specifies the payment method details that will be used.
PaymentInstructions PaymentInstructionsDTO The payment instructions needed to process payments from client applications.
ThirdPartyOrderDetails TransferThirdPartyOrderDetailsDTO For orders that have been defined and purchased externally and simply require registration in our system these values should be populated and will be used to register the order with us.
ThirdPartyEmailsEnabled Boolean Third party email subscription

Represents the details of a transfers order amendment request.


Name Type Description
OrderReference String The order reference for the transfers order to be amended.

Represents a requested amendment of a transfers order.


Name Type Description
AmendmentToken String A special token generated by our systems.
Details TransferOrderAmendmentDetailsDTO The original request details.

Represents the details of a transfers order cancellation request.


Name Type Description
OrderReference String The order reference for the transfers order to be cancelled.

Represents a requested cancellation of a transfers order.


Name Type Description
CancellationToken String A special token generated by our systems.
Details TransferOrderCancellationDetailsDTO The original request details.

No documentation available at this time.


Name Type Description
MeetingPoint String No documentation available at this time.
ArrivalProcedure String No documentation available at this time.
AdditionalInformation String No documentation available at this time.

Represents a service for a route from A to B.


Name Type Description
Id Int32 The unique identifier for the service.
ProviderId Int32 The unique identifier for the provider of the service.
ServiceType String The type of service.
Information TransferServiceInfoDTO Information about the service.
Journeys TransferServiceJourneyDTO The set of journeys available for the service.
ContainsMultipleJourneys Boolean Specifies whether there are multiple journeys to select from.
RequiresTwoStepReturnSelectionProcess Boolean Specifies whether this service requires that the return journey times be selected explicitly as a 2-step process.

Contains information about the transfers item.


Name Type Description
Name String The name of the service (if applicable).
EstimatedTransferTime Int32 The estimated transfer journey time specified in whole minutes.
EstimatedWaitingTime Int32 The estimated waiting time for that transfer, specified in whole minutes.
DistanceBetweenLocations Double The distance between two endpoints, measured in kilometres.
Description String The description of transfer service.
AdditionalInformation String Any additional information relating the service.
OutboundInformation TransferServiceDirectionalInformationDTO Outbound information for the service.
ReturnInformation TransferServiceDirectionalInformationDTO Return information for the service.
FurtherInformation String Contains additional information that the customer should be made aware of post-purchase.
InfoSheetUrl String Contains a url that points to a generic information sheet.
MaximumPassengersPerVehicle Int32 Returns the maximum passengers per vehicle.
PerVehiclePricing Boolean When true, signifies that the prices are calculated per vehicle basis.

A specific journey of a service.


Name Type Description
JourneyToken String The unique identifier for the journey.
JourneyReference String The flight number, ship name or some other reference related to the journey.
TerminalId Int32 The terminal id associated with this journey.
Terminal TerminalDTO Populated on responses where TerminalId was specified and contains details about that Terminal.
Schedule TransferServiceJourneyScheduleDTO Contains schedule inforation regarding the service journey.
Pricing TransferServicePricesDTO The prices for the journey.
DiscountInvalidationReason String When populated specifies the reason why a discount may not have been applied to this journey.
ArrivalFlightDetails FlightDetailsDTO The Flight details of the flight the customer alighted before the transfer
DepartureFlightDetails FlightDetailsDTO The Flight details of the flight the customer is transfering to

A leg of a journey


Name Type Description
Operator String The name of the company that operate this service.
Arrival DateTime Specifies the estimated date and time the service arrives at the target location.
ArrivalDestinationName String The name of the destination this leg of the journey arrives at
Departure DateTime Specifies the estimated date and time the service departs from the source location.
DepartureDestinationName String The name of the destination this leg of the journey leaves from
Duration TimeSpan The time between leaving the source location and arriving at the target location.

Represents a journey's scheduling information.


Name Type Description
Departure DateTime Specifies the estimated date and time the service departs from the source location.
Arrival DateTime Specifies the estimated date and time the service arrives at the target location.
Changes Int32 The number of changes required for the journey. See Legs for details of each leg of the journey.
Checkin DateTime Specifies the estimated date and time the customer must check-in before prior to departing.
Duration TimeSpan The time between leaving the source location and arriving at the target location.
Legs TransferServiceJourneyLegDTO All the seperate legs of this journey. Just one leg if the journey has no changes.

Represents passenger quantaties.


Name Type Description
Adults Int32 The total number of adult passengers (12+ years).
Children Int32 The total number of child passengers (2-12 years).
Infants Int32 The total number of infant passengers (0-2 years).
Vehicles Int32 The total number of vehicles.

Represents a single price or fare.


Name Type Description
Price Decimal The price for one unit.
Quanitity Int32 The number of units.
Total Decimal The tital cmbined price for all units.

Represents pricing information for a service journey.


Name Type Description
Currency CurrencyDTO The currency the pricing is calculated in.
Adults TransferServicePriceDTO The adult price calculations.
Children TransferServicePriceDTO The child price calculations.
Infants TransferServicePriceDTO The infant price calculations.
Vehicles TransferServicePriceDTO The vehicle price calculations.
BookingFee Decimal A fee that the customer will be charged in addition to the combined passenger prices.
BookingFeeInPounds Decimal A fee in pounds that the customer will be charged in addition to the combined passenger prices.
CommissionInPounds Decimal No documentation available at this time.
NetPassengerPrice Decimal The total combined fares of all travelling passengers.
DiscountAmount Decimal The amount dicounted.
DiscountPercentage Int32 The percentage discounted.
TotalPrice Decimal
The total price including fees.
TotalPayable Decimal The total amount that is payable.
TotalPayableUpfront Decimal The total amount that is payable upfront in order to reserve the booking.
EstimatedPrices Boolean When true, signifies that the prices are only estimates or guide-prices. Applicable with BuyNowPayLater services where the actual price is not fixed (such as in the case of a taxi / cab).
DiscountAmountInPounds Decimal The amount dicounted in GBP

Represents a provider of services for some given set of routes.


Name Type Description
Id Int32 The unique identifier for the service provider.
Name String The name of the provider (optionally localised into a prefered language).
LogoUrl String The absoluete url to the route provider's main logo image.
ContactInfo String Html string containing important contact information.

Represents the minimum quotation information returned from a search request query.


Name Type Description
SourceLocation LocationDTO The source (from) location.
TargetLocation LocationDTO The target (to) location
OutboundDate DateTime The date for the source to target journey.
ReturnDate DateTime The return date from target back to source journey.

Represents the search results returned from a search request query.


Name Type Description
SearchToken String A unique identifier for search requests, valid for upto 24hours.
SearchDate DateTime The date and time the search was originally performed on.
Itinerary TransferServiceSearchItineraryDTO The original search itinerary that was provided during the original search request.
SourceLocation LocationDTO The source (from) location.
TargetLocation LocationDTO The target (to) location
Provider TransferServiceProviderDTO The provider who is providing the physical service.
Service TransferServiceDTO The service for a specified route.
Destination String The final target destination the customer is intending to be located to. Such as hotel name, street address, notable landmarks, Etc.
OutboundJourney TransferServiceJourneyDTO The outbound or single journey entry for the selected service.
ReturnJourney TransferServiceJourneyDTO The return journey entry for the selected service.
IsPostPayment Boolean Is true after the payment has been processed. Otherwise false.

Represents the search results returned from a search request query.


Name Type Description
SearchToken String A unique identifier for search requests, valid for upto 24hours.
SearchDate DateTime The date and time the search was originally performed on.
Itinerary TransferServiceSearchItineraryDTO The original search itinerary that was provided during the original search request.
SourceLocation LocationDTO The source (from) location.
TargetLocation LocationDTO The target (to) location
Providers TransferServiceProviderDTO The set of providers who participated in the search result routes.
Services TransferServiceDTO The set of available services available for a specified route.

Represents search criteria used to query transfer route availability.


Name Type Description
SourceLocationCode String The source (from) location.
TargetLocationCode String The target (to) location.
Adults Int32 The total number of adult passengers (12+ years).
Children Int32 The total number of child passengers (2-12 years).
Infants Int32 The total number of infant passengers (0-2 years).
CurrencyCode String The ISO-4217 currency code you would prefer the results pricing to be calculated in.
LanguageCode String The ISO 639-1 2 character language code you would prefer the results to be returned in.
OutboundDate DateTime The date for the source to target journey.
OutDateAsString String The string representation of date the customer has entered.
ReturnDate DateTime The return date from target back to source journey.
ReturnDateAsString String The string representation of date the customer has entered.
DiscountCode String The discount code.
CampaignCode String The campaign code as assigned by us to you for use on deep-linked integrations.

Represents the details of a single transfers location country; as returned when performing a transfers location query.


Name Type Description
Code String the country's unique code.
Name String The name of the county.

Represents the details of a single transfers location; as returned when performing a transfers location query.


Name Type Description
Code String The location's unique identifer
Name String The English name of the location
LocalisedName String The localised name of the location
Type String The type of the location (Airport|Port|Etc).
IsPopular Boolean Is this a popular location?
GpsCoordinates GpsCoordinatesDTO The GPS co-ordinates for this location.
Country TransfersLocationSearchCountryDTO The country this location resides within.

Represents the details of orders that have been defined and purchased externally through a 3rd-Party system.


Name Type Description
ServiceCode String The 3rd-Party's unique identifier for the booked service.
OrderReference String The 3rd-Party's unique identifier for the booking.
PurchaseDate DateTime The date the order was originally purchased on.
OutboundDate DateTime The date for the source to target journey.
ReturnDate DateTime The return date from target back to source journey.
Adults Int32 The total number of adult passengers (12+ years).
Children Int32 The total number of child passengers (2-12 years).
Infants Int32 The total number of infant passengers (0-2 years).
PurchasePrice Decimal The total amount the customer paid to purchase.
CurrencyCode String The ISO-4217 currency code the order was purchased in.
LanguageCode String The ISO 639-1 2 character language code the order was booked in.

A special product add-on or up-sell option.


Name Type Description
Id Int32 The unique identifier for an Upsell.
Name String The name for an Upsell.
LocalisedName String The localised name of the Upsell.
Type String The service type for an Upsell.
Description String Describes an Upsell.
Price Decimal The price for a single Upsell in the quotation culture's currency. Use Pricing for multiple quantities.
TotalPrice Decimal Post purchase total upsell price (sum for multiple upsells) - populated after purchase
ImageUrl String
A url pointing to an image for an Upsell.
LogoUrl String The absoluete url to the upsell's logo.
IncludedQuantity Int16 Number of upsells included in quote/order, free of charge.
CanPurchaseMultiple Boolean Indicates whether multiple upsells can be purchased.
Quantity Int16 Number of upsells added to quote/order.
Pricing UpsellOptionPricingDTO The list of upsell pricing for each quantity - populated before purchase
GroupId Int16 Value to identify if an upsell is part of a group. Only child/concession upsell contains value.

Pricing object for an upsell option.


Name Type Description
Quantity Int16 Upsell pricing quantity
Price Decimal The price for an Upsell in the quotation culture's currency for specified quantity

Contains vehicle details.


Name Type Description
Make String The make of the vehicle.
Model String The model of the vehicle.
Registration String The registration plate number of the vehicle.
Colour String The colour of the vehicle.

Holds the details of a vendor that sells products


Name Type Description
BillingAddress String The billing address of the vendor
Name String The name of the vendor
VatNumber String The VAT number of the vendor if they are registered


We support several popular currencies in use today.

We are continually adding to our currency support list so check back regularly for updates.

AED (United Arab Emirates dirham)

ARS (Argentine peso)

AUD (Australian dollars)

BRL (Brazilian real)

CAD (Canadian dollar)

CHF (Swiss franc)

CNY (Chinese yuan)

CZK (Czech koruna)

DKK (Danish krone)

EUR (Euro)

GBP (Pound sterling)

HKD (Hong Kong dollar)

HUF (Hungarian forint)

JPY (Japanese yen)

NOK (Norwegian krone)

NZD (New Zealand dollar)

PLN (Polish zloty)

SEK (Swedish krona/kronor)

USD (United States dollar)

ZAR (South African rand)


The Travel Parking Apps Api supports many languages for provided information and content.

Content is not always available in every language (except English).

ca (ca - Catalan, Valencian (català, valencià))

cs (cs - Czech (čeština, český jazyk))

da (da - Danish (dansk))

de (de - German (Deutsch))

el (el - Greek (ελληνικά))

en (en - English (English))

es (es - Spanish (español,))

fr (fr - French (français))

hu (hu - Hungarian (magyar))

it (it - Italian (italiano))

ja (ja - Japanese (日本語 (にほんご)))

ka (ka - Georgian (ქართული))

nb (nb - Norwegian Bokmål (Norsk bokmål))

nl (nl - Dutch (Nederlands, Vlaams))

no (no - Norwegian (Norsk))

pl (pl - Polish (język polski, polszczyzna))

pt (pt - Portuguese (português))

ro (ro - Romanian (limba română))

sv (sv - Swedish (Svenska))

zh (zh - Chinese (中文 (Zhōngwén), 汉语, 漢語))