Transfer Orders Report: Export File Specification


This section details the properties related to the physical file.

  • The file is UTF-8 encoded and uses windows-style line endings [CR][LF]
  • The uses a comma-separated values format and has a .csv file extension
  • The file name will be generated in the following format L4T-{yyyyMMddHHmmss}.csv
  • The first line in any file will always contains the headings.
  • Each row represents a distinct booking or action against an existing booking.
  • All fields are encased in double quotations "..." including numbers, dates and strings.
  • Each field is separated by a single , character.

  If you would like to enable transfer order reporting please contact your account manager.

Export Process

A transfer service provider or sales channel has the option to receive a digital report containing the details of recent transactions.

There are a few options available:

Delivery Method

A report will be emailed directly to a set of email recipients.
A report will be FTP's directly to a folder on a single recipient's system.

Reporting Frequency

A report will be sent on-the-hour, every hour containing the previous hour's transactions.
A report will be sent around midnight each night containing the previous 24 hour's transactions.

Field Descriptions

# Field Description Format
00 TransId The unique transaction ID for the entry.
01 TransType The type of transaction the entry represents.
N - Signifies a new order.
A - Signifies an amendment to an existing order.
C - Signifies the cancellation of an existing order.
02 TransDate The date and time the transaction was initiated. dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss
03 SalesChannel Identifies the sales channel the order was made through.
04 OrderDate The initial order date. dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss
05 OrderReference Our booking reference for the order.
06 ProviderReference The reference as generated through the transfer service provider's API (if applicable).
07 ThirdPartyReference The reference as generated by an integrated 3rd-Party Partner (if applicable).
08 ServiceType The type of service.
S - Single
R - Return
09 ServiceCode The unique identifier for the booked service as determined by the client, or generated by us if the client does not allocate unique ids to their services themselves.
10 OutboundDate The date of the initial outbound jouney. dd/MM/yyyy
11 OutboundTime The time of the initial outbound journey. HH:mm
12 OutboundReference Outbound journey passenger reference.
Usually flight number / ship name, Etc.
13 ReturnDate The date of the return / inbound journey (if applicable) dd/MM/yyyy
14 ReturnTime The date of the return / inbound journey (if applicable) HH:mm
15 ReturnReference Return journey passenger reference.
Usually flight number / ship name, Etc.
16 SourceLocationCode Our internal identifier for the source location.
17 SourceLocationType The type of location the source location represents.
18 SourceLocationName The english name for the source location.
19 TargetLocationCode Our internal identifier for the target location.
20 TargetLocationType The type of location the target location represents.
21 TargetLocationName The english name for the target location.
22 FinalDestination The endpoint the customer is intending to travel to.
Usually a hotel name or notable landmark, Etc.
23 NumAdults The number of adults (12+ years) registered to travel.
24 NumChildren The number of children (2-12 years) registered to travel.
25 NumInfants The number of infants (0-2 years) registered to travel.
26 Price The price for the service.
27 Currency The currency the price is presented in.
28 LeadPassengerFirstNames The lead passenger's first name(s)
29 LeadPassengerLastName The lead passenger's surname.
30 LeadPassengerContactNumber The lead passenger's contact telephone number (when available)
31 LeadPassengerEmailAddress The lead passenger's email address (when available)
32 LeadPassengerCulture The lead passenger's culture code (when available) en-GB, fr-FR, en-US, Etc.